Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇








Simon Parkes update November 22.
Trump is in control.


Some years ago, people were finding (dead) worms in the MacDonalds Japan hamburgers.
When they complained to the managers, they were taken aside and given cash of about 1,000 dollars.

It’s not an urban legend. I know a Buddhist priest who personally knows a worm grower who sells the products to such outlets as McDonalds and there is no reason the priest should be lying.



Today 57 years ago.


The empire strikes back



Bottom line.
We know who the criminals.

Call them for what they are. Call a spade a spade, as Max Igan says.

No. MSM isn’t going to do that, because they are run by the very criminals who cause all this misery.

Yep, that’s all in their agenda.
Agenda 21, Agenda 25 or 30 or whatever.

It’s the New World Order.
Hello 1948.

They don’t care. They don’t care that you know who they are or what they are doing. I believe they actually have fun watching the misery they cause. Our system has made us respect authority at every turn, even to the point when the last nail is going in the coffin, we still conform. Only when we say Fuck You to all the rules en masse do they have a problem.

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It depends on how many of us are doing it.

They have zero conscience.
They are a people of satan for sure.

Yes, it’s been that way for the last three or four thousand years.

Doing What Didge ? Are you saying it depends on how many of us know who they are and what they are up to ? If it is, it’s not necessarily important. Yes it’s good the more the merrier that understand what is going on but what is more important is out of the people that know, how many are actually prepared to go and do something about it. This why I keep saying get out to protest and make connections, it’s vitally important, much more so than us sharing information here, I think the sharing process has been great and obviously ok to continue but it has to be in parallel with REAL connections with REAL people in a REAL movement. I can’t say more than that, I’m pretty sure the US members here are streets ahead of us in that regard :wink:

The financial sytem was gonna collapse anyway - the Ronahoax is what they needed to divert blame.


He’s as bad as the rest. Still talks shite about a pathway to a vaccine being a good thing, instead of just coming out and saying medically speaking we have had nothing new with the flu season and the response is bollox. The lot of 'em are always hedging their bets. They have access to the same info we do. Time for them to be blunt or fuck off with half acknowledging on some issues.