Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

Yeah not sure about it being stored in the Philippines though ! I got a secure doss I can let them rent. :grin:

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And perhaps some Congolese Francs too ?

What a great start to the day!

To increase your pleasure, this complete description of how voter fraud works and who has been caught doing the fiddling. I only watched the first 20 minutes … which is enough.

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Have you noticed how we just had a spike in CV deaths in UK - Aint we lucky that the vaccine will be ready just in time

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:+1: :+1:I forgot to acknowledge this few days back. I think they were hacked. A warning shot. They won’t admit to it of course. 15 mins or so they were down, even when they have live broadcast from some far off land and have a glitch or two they manage to switch to an alternative immediately. Hardly a peep about it either…

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This ones for you @StuFX
If the people do not come out and start protesting as they did in [ Denmark protests/), they are not merely cowards,

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I fully agree. I went to a few of the early Brexit demos to gauge reaction but ultimately it was piss and wind because back then we had the legal right to do so and apart from traffic chaos it had little to no effect. Now however, being out en masse and not paying any attention to their stupid regulations of distancing, masks and essential journeys etc is just pure defiance and the government & coppers know as the numbers swell there is sweet FA they can do about it. Last week there were 5 coppers who arrested a lad, within seconds they were surrounded and you could see the fear in their faces screaming down their radios for backup, the mob told them in no uncertain terms that it is peaceful for now but you better hurry up and pick a side. The people that are taking to the streets now do so in the knowledge that they can be plucked out at any time by the coppers to face penalties etc and yet they are still prepared to take that chance. This speaks volumes over regular marches in the good old days, there was no risk unless you were a complete knobhead. You really get a sense that these people will be by your side for whatever is next and they are from all walks of life, it’s not just the baldies (@Jen :laughing:) who are angry !

Why are they so keen to shut us up I wonder - get ready for the vac


Is Sturgeon legally able to do this or does she need executive backing - how is this democratic?


Didn’t Gates Fauchi etc say something similar warning us about a virus then Voila Covid arrived.

Will the solution be you can only visits sites that we authorise on the net to stop the dreaded cyber attacks !!

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Talk about don’t miss an opportunity !! This is no disrespect to the family but scroll down to see pics of Darren & Dean.

It would just be described as “a technical difficulty”.

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The question now is “who will get the blame”?
… and who wrote the malware which is going to attack.

Will they try to blame Trump ??



Oddly enough I think it was !

Russian schoolboy hackers working for Trump with a promise to give them a green card when they leave school and an assurance that Melania will help them lose their virginity…apparently. :grin:



Seems about right …

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He should have got them working on the voting machines

Today’s ace-recipe for home cooked pizza

For lunch oven-cook some bacon on a tray, when cooked insert bacon into bread-roll and consume.

Set oven tray aside to cool

In the evening cook a thin-base pizza in the oven, cook directly on the oven shelf and not in a tray or container.

When ready recover the pizza onto lunch-time’s bacon tray and slice.

Oh wow! I wish I had discovered that 30 years ago.

Sometimes I really feel sorry for Muslims (briefly)

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