Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

Now they will obviously need a delay to Brexit so that they can recover from Ronahoax

Just a bunch of parasites. Like father like son.

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If you haven’t watched this yet one of the facts quoted was that of the CV19 deaths - every single one of them had had the flu vaccine.


How much toxin can your body take?
The more vaccines, the more you’re likely to die of one thing or another.

Crenshaw a republican ? Or Rino ? Tulsi harps on about not sending the boys off to war and thinks Biden would observe that ?! :crazy_face:

Give those that want it the full Smorgasbord Of Jabs :crazy_face:

Like the Russian professor (whose video I posted) said,

Obama/Biden started FIVE wars on the Russian border,
while Trump ZERO.

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Stupid parents allow that to happen to their infants…

I don’t have a problem with that. You can’t save everyone, yes I personally think they are wrong but the key aspect has to be choice. It’s sad for the kids who don’t understand but …

:+1: Roger That …

Yes, there’s definitely a Rockefeller/Zuckerberg connection.
(The first Rockefeller on the American soil was a German ■■■ named Rockenfelter. Yes, the Rockefellers are (crypto-)■■■■

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Ward mentions a ‘‘global account’’ with millions of tons of gold for the ppl.
I seem to remember the same story from a lawyer called Karen Hudes from my FF days - another dot connected?

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It’s heating up in the US.


I think NESARA is gonna happen - we can’t go on printing money forever

Don’t forget it recently took 9 days in Denmark to stop that BS.



‘‘U.S. Special Forces teams have already arrested certain high-level Democrat and deep state traitors’’
‘‘The EO gives the U.S. government the authority to seize all assets of any corporation or organization engaged in rigging any national election. This means Trump can now seize Twitter, Facebook, CNN, the New York Times and all the assets of every Democrat involved in election rigging.’’

Trump already has total authority to secretly arrest domestic enemies under the NDAA, signed into law by Obama

Just gets better and better


Is this true?

Bears are not that smart…

The Japanese wolf is thought have gone extinct early in the 20th century.

Nonetheless, there were a number of sightings in 1980s and 1990s and I saw a wolf photo on Japan Times accidentally taken by a bird watcher in the mountains just outside Tokyo, of all places.

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