Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

No argument from me Stu - I think the only solution is direct democracy - representative dem is too susceptible to corruption. I have never had faith in any politicians - they are all bastards.


Yeah I think the phrases Bozo Bojo and total incompetence might have cooked my goose.

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BoJo is merely hiding from danger.

Simon Parkes update on 18th November.

Biden committed a murder in the past.
Facebook dropped the “President elect” title from Biden.
Very interesting.

The screen went dead during BBC broadcast of Biden doco.


Ever heard of NESARA? - me neither - this is real high octane stuff
If you want cheering up the embedded vids are a must see - not sure if any of it is true but it joins a lot of dots…

It can go either way.
It can benefit us peasants or the banksters.
It all depends on who does it and how.

We have been cooking that goose since the “Wide Awake” thread pre Rabbit Hole 2009/10 ish :crazy_face:

Yeah I’m not convinced yet but I fervently hope there is some truth in it so keeping an open mind.
I’m not sure abt Ward either - seems like a bit of a chancer.

I think this guys message is everything that has happened to Trump from the off is part of a larger plan. Not listened to it all though yet.


I’ve started to research NESARA - still not sure whether it’s just wacko nut jobs or more to it - is it linked to the EO signed by Trump on day of election
This is all starting to do my head in LOL

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My brother sent me a link to Charlie Ward vid a few days ago ( the one in your link) but it’s in the queue ! But there is lots of plausibility in many of these opinions and I think quite likely they are all pieces of the puzzle but undoubtedly there will be pieces thrown in here and there to make us doubt the picture in the jigsaw. Like 120 pieces in a 100 piece jigsaw, it takes a bit of time to sort out.

Wouldn’t it be nice if BBC was charged with Treason
The bit abt Bozo was interesting, so he not hiding bc of Covid
Did you pick up the reference to NESARA?

Yes, it has something to do with “reset” but it all depends on who does it, how it’s done and whom it benefits.

One thing is for certain. Current Babylonian banking system cannot go on forever, causing wars and misery century after century. (That’s what satanists want. The eternal cycle of boom and bust.)

Straight from Q
All the pieces are starting to come together. We should all be glad we are living through this period.
So Mossad were involved in 911 :bomb:
I always thought Flyns arrest didn’t pass the smell test.
Looks like the watermarked ballots was true as well LOL

If it is all coming together I think now more than ever is time to say “Keep your powder dry”, these bastards won’t give it all up, they will be like cornered Hyenas.

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Think this the vid referred to

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Well … I an now expecting a hard Brexit


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So far … I got to 11:30 … will continue … but, holy shit !

Let us hope the “Gesara” plan that @Magog has drawn attention to today is going to work as we speak ! We still need to beat the shit out of them for all the suffering they have caused, we could have spent all our time chewing the fat and sharing some good tunes !!

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From previous post this madness has to stop.

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