Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇


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Blind obedience is not a virtue


I think I have come to the conclusion that Nigel just wants to remain current. He has had so many opportunities to go for the jugular and hasn’t.

I believe the English Democrats have had a review and a change of tack. They are going to run candidates for Police Commissioners, apparently that role is key to us having the right to bear arms again !! Nothing stops tyranny like BALANCE.

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I liked vid because of the 410 number but I couldn’t understand a word. Strangely enough I think I understood though ! :grin:

Can only happen here in the bloody asylum !! :face_vomiting:
Jeez the lunatics really have taken over
The Prime Minister has a longstanding passion for green issues and has been encouraged to push the Government further in that direction by his fiancee *Carrie Symonds, who works as an environmental campaigner.

Boris’ girlfriend has him by the short and curlies and is running the show. This idealist green crap has her written all over it. He is her mouthpiece. Just when you think it would be impossible to get more farcical. He is weak and she is as plain as they come, hardly a stunner. Surely we could pay for a bit of distraction for him, if only for one night, then have it splashed all over the news. It shouldn’t be too hard to get rid of a girlfriend…

Of course it isn’t practical he is just showing he is fully on board with the NWO etc. It’s just another thing to keep us occupied, we need to just focus on removing all these pricks.

Remember I predicted he would be gone by Easter?

:+1: I do mate but I remember you also said at one point Theresa May was playing a blinder ! :laughing:

I don’t really care to be honest, he will only be replaced by another dickhead no doubt. I just want to hang them all now. The entire system needs overthrowing and it will come but the interim period is driving me nuts.


Is that a rival battery manufacturer?

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Is that EvereadA ? :crazy_face:

And how predictive was this headline " Illegal Channel migrants on the run in UK after being put on bail, inspector warns"

Nah its the Alcoholics Automobile Association LOL

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She did - If not for her we would never have voted leave LOL :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Bozo will be out by Easter :rofl:


This gave me a chuckle

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If you say so. :grin:

I will stand corrected but I highly doubt he can do that providing your contact has remained civil/non abusive. Their office is to deal with the concerns of their constituents or at least go through the motions as most do. :roll_eyes:


Mag seriously at what point do you say enough is enough ? One clown after another. Will you have faith in the next person ? If so on what basis ? Honestly I am interested if you have unlimited hope that democracy will one day be delivered under the current system ?