Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

I thought I had seen the emergency broadcast system mentioned before - I might have posted this link earlier

Translation:* Drop the evidence bombs and deploy the Emergency Broadcast System to bypass and discredit the media. Game over!


Why I have been saying for so long the politics has just been a sideshow, from Aids to Brexit to Covid, from one crisis to the next and all the time no one notices they are standing in quick sand. The likelyhood is we will need to break all unions not just the EU, it will only happen with a civil war. Part of waking up is the realisation that politics won’t save you. I have small bouts of hope* myself that maybe this person or the next might be the solution but ultimately the same colours show through and the realisation is faced again like getting smacked in the face with a kipper !! Our individual teams in politics, are the dangling carrot that gives you & I (donkeys) the impetus to continue to try and be productive members of society, it’s a clever charade that keeps hope* alive. Hope* is that dangling fucking carrot you will never get to chew on and these bastards know that when hope is gone the game is up which is why it is always offered to us in spades !!! Time to bury hope and get real !

I agree with much of what this guy says but unfortunately his solution is pure fantasy IMO.

I will be in Liverpool today @ 1.00pm. Get out there and show you will not comply with their bullshit, there are protests all over the country today & tomorrow, find one and attend. These will be the people that will stand with you when the shit really does hit the fan, so forge some real alliances as the chances are many of the internet warriors won’t be seen for dust.


Yes, I agree with you.
What Max Igan is saying makes sense, but he offers little realistic solution.

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If ‘’ everything is a lie’’ and the statement ‘‘everything really is a lie’’ is true, doesn’t that mean that Igan is also lying to us?

Got this from the Associated Press this morning and someone is definitely fucking lying - I suppose it could actually be ‘‘everyone’’

Top federal, state officials say Nov. 3 election most secure in US history; Trump, stewing over election loss, silent as virus surges

In the most direct repudiation yet of President Donald Trump’s efforts to undermine the integrity of the Nov. 3 vote, a coalition of federal and state officials say they have no evidence that votes were compromised or altered in last week’s presidential election, rejecting unsubstantiated claims of fraud advanced by Trump and many of his supporters.

The definitive statement from cybersecurity experts, which trumpets the Nov. 3 election as the most secure in American history, also echoes repeated assertions by election experts and state officials that the election unfolded smoothly, Eric Tucker and Frank Bajak report.

“While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections, and you should too," the statement said. "When you have questions, turn to election officials as trusted voices as they administer elections.”

Trump’s Withdrawal: The president has publicly disengaged from the battle against the coronavirus at a time when the disease is tearing across America at an alarming pace. Stewing after his re-election loss to President-elect Joe Biden, Trump remains angry that an announcement about progress on developing a virus vaccine came after Election Day.

I think the line was just to be emotive, provoke thought about what is real and what isn’t. Reclaim your senses, your gut instinct, very valid tools in keeping you from being disappointed about having years of belief in something because it was in a book or because the P.M. said it was true etc etc There are likely lots of historical events that if revisited possibly don’t stack up, one of them being very important to how you personally see things. :wink:

I also think if you default to, if you don’t see it/hear it, proceed with caution.

Of course.

Bill Cooper always said, Don’t trust the government, media. polls, etc.
Don’t trust me.
Do your own research.

Max Igan probably forgot to say the last sentence.
Or maybe he is an arrogant SOB and he meant that everything is a lie, except what he says. LOL

They are doubling down on the MkUltra brainwashing.
A coup to overthow this government is in progress.
Associated Press and Reuters are owned by the Rothchilds.
The media elite don’t get to call the elections, the government does.
The globalist cabal’s war against the US is real.

The tyrant globalists at work.


The requirement is in effect now in Greece. 300 euros fine if you don’t report to the police.

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Cumalot Harris

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Without symtoms you are not infected - So the asymptomatic carrier story is bollox too

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That’s what vaccinated people are.

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This advice may be useful.

KNOWING THE LAW & YOUR RIGHTS. “As a former Police Officer, I am becoming increasingly concerned at seeing incidents where the public are being arrested at will UNLAWFULLY. These are guidelines ONLY as from Government dictats, or Statutory Instruments, under the Public Health Act (Control of Diseases) Act 1984. According to Lord Sumption, the Civil Contingencies Act of 2004 would be a much more appropriate piece of legislation. So, why isn’t this used instead? Because it would require an Act of Parliament and would provide stringent provisions for Parliamentary scrutiny. What about the powers of arrest being seen to be abused so often? Firstly, these are NOT for arrestable offences. These are strictly for crimes of assault, theft, which are summary or indictable offences. Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986 (harassment, alarm or distress) seems to be used the most often used, but this requires a warning to be issued. The key points here are for ‘a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety’. So, quite open to interpretation and debatable in a Court of Law! What about the conduct of Police Officers themselves? They must be appropriately dressed for a start. The wearing of headgear is ‘compulsory under Police Regulations’ whilst performing public duties. Seeing the propensity for TSG officers and the like to resort to unreasonable violence, brings up the prospect for citizens’ arrest powers under Section 24(a) of PACE Act 1984. Here it states where ‘a person can legally arrest anyone who is in the act of committing an indictable offence or whom the person has reasonable grounds to suspect is committing an indictable offence’. For example GBH/wounding (causing blood to flow) where a Police Officer has wounded a member of the public which a person of reasonable firmness would find fearful. Furthermore, you have to believe that ‘at the time of the arrest it is not reasonably practicable for a Police Officer to perform the arrest’. So, if a Police Officer were committing this offence, foreseeably you have the power to affect an arrest on a rogue Police Officer thereby compelling other Police Officers to act on this. Section 3 of the Criminal Law Act 1967 provides everyone with the provision to use ‘reasonable force’. Where a Police Officer is NOT in the ‘lawful execution of his/her duty’ there are legal protections for you to resist arrest (assault/resist/obstruct Police under the Police Act 1996). Section 25 of PACE Act 1984 provides for the scenario where ‘a constable has reasonable grounds for suspecting that any offence which is not an arrestable offence has been committed or attempted, or is being committed or attempted, he may arrest the relevant person. 
if it appears to him that service of a summons is impracticable or inappropriate because any of the general arrest conditions is satisfied’. The key words here are OFFENCE. The government’s statutory instruments under the Public Health Act are NOT offences. They have been very liberal with ‘mandatory’, ‘must’ etc. These are not enforceable under law. Finally, the issues of fines are under Fixed Penalty Notice regulations; these were established for ‘relatively minor regulatory offences’. Again that word OFFENCE. It would be very difficult to persuade a Court of Law that ÂŁ1,000s of fines under the Public Health Act are legitimate (funnily enough, CPS have dropped lots of such cases!). So a scenario here. A person goes shopping at Tesco not wearing a mask. This person has an invisible undisclosed disability. The store staff detain this person or this person is detained by police officers. The person legitimately asks ‘am I being detained?’. If the answer is ‘yes’ then stand firm. If ‘no’ then politely continue on with the shopping. For a ‘yes’ detention, the police officer(s), none of whom are wearing hats, some having hands in pockets (discipline offences), then question said person
 Person states ‘I am exempt’. This should be ‘game over’. However, the Police officer asks for reasons for exemption - instant discrimination under the Equality Act 2010 (court case on this basis alone against the numbered officer
and potentially the Chief Constable also!). Person refuses to provide details. Police Officer(s) threaten arrest. Person asks for what offence? Police Officer(s) fails to clarify (this is a requirement under law to know the offence before or after the caution is stated). Police Officer then states a fine will be issued. Person declines to give details or says he is Mickey Mouse and he lives in Hollywood. Police Officer arrests person under Section 24 of PACE Act 1984 (for an offence?!). Person requests to order a taxi to travel to the police station for personal reasons. Request denied, person placed in police vehicle (Codes of Practice broken against person’s taxi request). On arrival at the Custody Centre, person confirms their right to a copy of the Codes of Practice, free legal advice and a phone call. Person immediately lodges complaint request with the Duty Inspector on the circumstances of the arrest, drawing attention to unlawful imprisonment and Police discipline regulations. Person, with legal advice, drafts a Statement under Caution to this effect for the consequent taped interview. Person reads this out and refuses to answer any subsequent questions (lawful right). Person refuses to accept any fine(s) pleading ‘not guilty’ (clogging up the Court system which is at breaking point now anyway!). After release, person immediately submits an online tribunal/court application for discrimination under the Equality Act 2010, counter suing the Police for unlawful arrest, unlawful imprisonment and breaches against the Codes of Practice. We hope that this is useful
 The Light - Truthpaperâ€Šï»ż


@asaratis @AlexC, is there a site that you can recommend to track the latest true ballot counts ? Thanks

Not sure for each state, but I would trust only an official (state).gov site. I think the results from each state will not be posted until counting and certification of totals is complete.

CNN has an interactive map, but I wouldn’t bet on the validity of the vote counts.

Just place your cursor over a state and the purported vote count will be revealed. No states have yet certified the vote counts, so these numbers may not be accurate.

There’s also:

Still, I would trust only the official state government sites
but most are not obligated to reveal their totals before early December.

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This is weird (but pretty interesting).

Ok Thanks @asaratis. These pathetic headlines I see with my email are really pissing me off !

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