Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

Lights, camera and …action !!

:laughing: :laughing: I thought I’d heard that before ! What a dickhead.


The guy is a prize creep, one of the slimiest individuals I have ever had the misfortune to ‘meet’.


One of my favourites

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The number of refugees and migrants arriving on boats across the English Channel this year has surged past 8,000

The reason for this is that the lorries are not running due to the Covid-19 lock down.


Hot water?


Water line… good.
Building structure… not so good.

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They probably have PM’s going back and forth on a regular basis.

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I personally believe that Boris Johnson has been bribed. There is absolutely no evidence that COVID is dangerous to warrant the total closure of the economy. This is clearly the Great Reset and it is intended to impose Communism 3.0. Boris will not pursue BREXIT

Either bribed or threatened.

Blackmail appears to explain his recent behavior better, don’t you think?

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It sure sounds like Max Igan.
Everything is a lie.

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Cummings was a prime mover for Brexit - he was fired today.
I wonder why

Now I get it - Rossthetoss is Ricktheboss - duh



I just watched uk news at ten and apparently Trump has conceded - is this another hoax?

No he didn’t. The news has gone full blown phycho. The shadowy figures that own the media companies are messing with the calcified pineal minds of the brainwashed masses.

While in the US the police will be defending the country against the attempted globalist dictatorship takeover, in Australia, UK and Europe the police will be protecting the globalist dictators on the grounds of covid. It seems confusing but that’s the whole idea. Confused sheeple won’t know which way is up.

It’s another story in Japan.
Nearly 100% of the Japanese believe media narratives, be it Covid or non Covid.

Therefore the sheeple are not confused and know which way is up.
But it’s the way down.

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