Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

Meanwhile… I do find it strange that Skyaus are supporting TRUMP as Australia has the same globalist Agenda.

There is no way in hell they would extend the furlough scheme by an additional 4 months if lockdown was going to end in a month.

Lol. Can’t get much more presumptuous.

And just in the nick of time we get a new vaccine - you couldn’t make it up
Ok maybe I was wrong and this is the reason the markets are exploding
So now if EVERYONE takes the vaccine we will end the lockdown

The UK has secured 40 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine – the first agreement the firms signed with any government.

Aren’t we ‘‘lucky’’ that our rulers had the foresight to pre order so many doses before they even knew it worked.

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Latest update from the Office for National Slimeballs.(ONS)

There were 978 deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) in England and Wales in the week ending 23 October 2020, the highest weekly figure since the week ending 12 June 2020.

So if replicated every week - 50k in 12 mths - remember that is with not from and 500k die every year from many other things not related to CV.

Ok this is the graphic they also provided - the pale blue line is the 5yr avg and the dark blue actuals.

The majority of deaths involving COVID-19 have been among people aged 65 years and over (49,420 out of 55,311).

Can somebody(anybody tell me how this justifies another lockdown - what am I missing?.

Military giving covid test at school in Liverpool.

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Simon Parkes

PA for Trump.
Military technology was tracking real ballots.
Purpose of this mess is to awaken the sheep.
Joe genuinely believes he won fair and square.


From your fav band @Magog but probably never heard it like this !

Alex do you have the original source for this please ?

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i got it off Fakebook

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UK and Europe


Talking of the news I caught a few news progs today and they ALL talk abt president elect Biden
He is NOT fucking president elect until the GSA say he is.
Do MSM not know this - d’ya think they might be in on the coup???
You do realise that it doesn’t matter who wins now - there is gonna be a riot


Not sure I will ever forgive you for that travesty Stu

A riot?
You’re very modest.

Actually, Biden/Harris are hell bent on a genocide of whites.
Just the people are too ignorant.

Remember the prognosis by


Whenever Bolsheviks take over, there is always major bloodletting.
The UK is going to be hit worse than the US.

Who are the Bolsheviks? You know my answer.

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:+1: :joy: :joy:I quite liked it .

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Come on Stu - I can’t remember what I posted 3 days ago, let alone what you posted 2 months ago.

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The markets are on fire and oil is up again - Trump has definitely won.