Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE šŸ‡

Me too, even though I am in the ā€œgroup of concernā€.
My father only had 'flu once, and that was after a vaccination.
I have had it twice that I can remember. I wrap up, go to bed and let my body beat the infection. Just take water and resist all pills (paracetamol) for as long as possible.

I have adopted the same philosophy.
I have also refused/ignored two invitations to install a tracking App on my phone.

Letā€™s be under no delusions. :grin: Whatā€™s your BMI? Be honest. My money is on @Magog being lean and @StuFX too, though Stuā€™s a bit more of a meathead. :laughing:

If you work out, BMI is a crap metric, waist to height ratio is much better for assessing if you should be going to the abattoir ! :grin:

Here is the real true fight against corruption:


Think you and Ex get a 5 on the apoplectic scale LOL

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I heard projections back in September that the mess would not end until next year (or even beyond).

The whole thing is in the hands of the Supreme Court which used to have
3 ā– ā– ā–  s
1 Crypto-ā– ā– ā–  (Scalia) and
1 goy front (Roberts)
out of 9 justices and America would be screwed, since Biden is a Zionist ā– ā– ā–  (and Harris is married to a rich ā– ā– ā–  and she is a convert).

I agree with Texe Marrs that Scalia was take out by patriots, who expected that something like the current mess (with the election) would happen.

True, but itā€™s sufficient for the purposes of identifying fat /obese. No, all that cannot be muscle! :rofl: Fat percentage is most scientific, but difficult to measure accurately.

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Speaking with my daughter today she told me that her GP keeps writing to her saying that she should get her children(my gkids) vaccinated against the flu virus to ā€˜ā€˜protectā€™ā€™ old ppl.
So far they have sent her 4 letters.

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A 5 on a scale of 0 to 100?
Iā€™m no angry with either of the two idiots.
We are a group of about 20 in TRH and 2 turned looney. Thatā€™s 10%.
The worst of it is they donā€™t have a sense of humor.


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No its on a scale of 1-5 - its a game I play with Manshe when I am winding him up - 5 is when he is spitting feathers.

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What happens if you replace ā– ā– ā–  with due or dew ?

Snap mate. My daughter says the school constantly harp on about it too. She keeps the kids off when it is nasal flu spray day because she doesnā€™t trust that they will adhere to her written wishes.

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Joo works fineā€¦

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Even to a Limey it looks obvious the books are being cooked !

Demon pride

Itā€™s hard to believe with the level of technology available today that there are so many flaws in the voting system.

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Technology is not to blame. The flaw is the human thatā€™s tampering with the results.

Yes I get that but where there is an opportunity for tampering someone will always oblige.
A more robust system is clearly needed. They can chip & pin a mosquitoā€™s balls, there should be better options to reduce the abuse. Even the old bookies runners clocks were more secure !

Interesting. Once a year I get an email from the nursing team at school saying NHS blah blah flu snort up the nose and click here if you want your child to have it. I donā€™t click so my younger one doesnā€™t get it. Along with quite a number, so she tells me. :thinking: