Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

I just watch the first minute and I know the rest of the story.
It’s a sad thing to live in a care home where you are not allowed to see your own family, and vice versa.

But arresting a family member who has taken the old person back home is quite another.

I can see through your computer. :laughing: I can see the tubbies too. Dr Mangleturd looks like a sumo wrestler and Ross the toss is a fat mess.

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Then how come there is so much covid in your southern states and in Italy and Spain? Plenty of sunshine.

Yes, vitamin D does help if you are low, but for many it isn’t vitamin D that’s the problem; it’s the vitamin D receptors. They are in the gut and any imbalance there could cause a problem, such as eating junk food… sounds familiar now! Also obesity hinders vitamin D absorption. So there is a multiple hit with being fat - fat cells have the Ace 2 receptors which allow the virus to enter. Fat cells explode causing inflammation and the body is so busy fighting that inflammation, there aren’t enough resources to fight a virus too.

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That’s the difference with state; you are treated as a burden. When dealing privately, the customer is always right. :wink:

I take vitamin-D regularly. I hardly ever get a cold or “sniffles”, although I have a few brief encounters recently. I had put it down to regular use of an appropriate multivitamin, but perhaps it is more simple than that. Other members of my household have remarked about my resilience, I tell them to take a multivitamin. Nobody does …

Actually, that is true, RTB is a Londoner and therefore accessible.

I have involved the mods here.


You may or may not agree and resonate with them.
(Bill Gates makes an appearance)

“Overcome your fear.”
Sure, sure. Anyone can say that.

“Know your destination”
That sort of makes sense.

So … this could be an attempt to reduce the count of obese people in the west

Living in a sunny part of Japan, I may not need extra vitamin D.
But I like to have extra C (also to prevent infection of any kind) and A for the eyes.

Supplying the body with minerals and vitamins is one thing.
But preventing to lose them is another.

What’s the biggest black hole? Worms and parasites. They are the biggest thieves; additionally they shit all over you, literally.

And their shit is very toxic which burdens your liver, kidneys and immune system as well. Some people mistakenly think worms and parasites are only found in the digestive system.

Yeah sort of …but think this might be closer LOL

‘‘Telepathy – Vampires can sometimes read/sense another person’s thoughts, communicate with them mentally and/or influence their minds/thoughts.’’

Why is everything (well, almost everyone) acting so surprised at what the Democrats are doing?
I have been saying the Dems are going to steal the election, and nobody seemed to notice.

And boom! In all key states.
Who knows? California may have been red.

I wouldn’t bother with multivitamins especially if you get them from any shop. The amounts are miniscule and would make no difference. You would be better off taking them individually; figure out how much you want of each one.

If you take vitamin D, be sure to take K2. :wink: 100mcg for up to 10k iu vitamin D will do. Be careful with “vitamin C.” What you get in the shops is ascorbic acid and you can get very high doses. That is not vitamin C, but just one part of it. That actually has the opposite effect; it creates an imbalance and hence a deficiency in vitamin C. Instead get the complex, naturally derived from plant sources. You will find the dosage lower, maybe about 200mg instead of say 1000mg of ascorbic acid, but it’s the real McCoy.


I think covid was manufactured specifically to target the west, via fatties.

No surprise.


Furlough extended to end March - does that mean they already know the lockdowns will also end in March?, not December. So if they are guided by the science maybe they know in advance what the science will say.

May as well change it to universal income - state pays everyone the same. Boris follows the science when the science is saying the right things. He doesn’t like the Barrington declaration so ignores it.


That sounds really cool.

Took a while for the wind to reach the cat

Can you tell us more about the watermark?
In which state(s)?

That will be the clincher, if true.