Dark Theme or Light Theme?

Ha! I’ll work on that. That’s a little meh.

This should be green

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I’ll bet the little bastard never bothers you! :rofl:

Where’s the money!..

Never mind. I see you gave at the office! :grin:

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Yeah - you are right about that. Although I get all of the human gripes and complaints. I’d rather just dismiss the box and move on sometimes.

Someone needs to teach it that


…is a complete sentence. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Got it without a cheat app… An old dog at that.

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I’m thinking about lowering the character count limit. I don’t know if we’ll get it down to one word answers, but in the interim I put a character countdown in the text box.

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How you did that!..

It even does that when I add a string of dots to reach the character count. But I can stick an emoji on the end and it passes muster. Example is above somewhere.

MSEE here

It appears that current LED screens are just LED’s lit behind an LCD screen filter (think of old calculator screens…). Thus it appears that the least energy usage would be when the screen is white and set to the dimmest overall setting, and a small amount more to turn on the LCD pixels to block this light for colors or black.

I don’t do hardware anymore, this info is from a cursory read of a couple explanations of current LED screen tech, not including OLED.

Found this for your consideration:

“For example, our measurement shows that a commercial QVGA OLED display consumes 3 and 0.7 Watts showing black text on a white background and white text on a black background, respectively.”


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That Is why excluded OLED. I did not read into it… And check your link it is 2013.

Seems there a bunch of OLED variants as it is a new technology. I didn’t want to generalize without a deeper dig.

I think
you’re on
to something
that may
be useful
in the
near future.

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I am “old school”. :smile:

More than 15 years older school than me… :wink:

[color=red]I love[/color] [color=green]BBCode[/color].

I love BBCode.

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Now I like the /pol/ and Shades of Blue themes the best. It’s refreshing to see admins who know what the hell they’re doing. :+1:

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I love web code too. So many hilarious memories. lol