There are no “dead zones” on this planet. Even in our most inhospitable regions life can be found.
I’m talking about areas that once supported human life; but now are off limits. There was a time when you could safely drink from almost every body of fresh water. The amount of mercury used in gold processing in South America is staggering, and it all finds it’s way into the ocean. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [
10 of the Most Polluted Places on Earth - Live Science
None of those are dead zones and eventually nature will render those areas save again for human habitation.
When we too use hsitrionic overexaggertions about the environment we’re just as bad as the leftwing environmental extremists.
Samm has been predicting this for about 8 years. Going to get interesting.
That we didn’t believe him sustains the narrative as nicely as if it had been real.
These days blacks could be burning crosses in their own yards and getting caught doing so Left and right and the Left would eventually settle on some bizarre take on Stockholm Syndrome to explain it and why whites oppress blacks just by being white.
Actually, I think that last is already something the Woke believe…
Years ago I ran a Global Cooling Watch to the same effect.
I was, IIRC, calling the coming minimum the Gore-Hansen Minimum.
Btw … here’s the link to the FR version of that thread.
Lots of good discussion, and some odd comedy, in that one.
20″ of snow on the way to Colorado; Winter storm warnings active
After the experiences we’ve had in Colorado even a blizzard in July doesn’t surprise me.
My dad and 3 friends nearly died in a July 4 blizzard while backpacking/fishing in CO in the early/mid seventies. They got buried under 4’ of snow in 72hrs.
Ah … the types of the past, they never go away:
“There is a strong link between both sunspot activity and the sun’s magnetic flux as to how brightly it shines and how much meat it generates.”
20 car oil up on I70 outside Silverthorne.
Eh? Pile up? Denver area? My wife is from Littleton and I used to spend quite a bit of time around Lymon.
When the minimum causes the earth to freeze over, then man who can ski will be king.
I saw a movie about a flux capacitor …
Silverthorne, in the mountains about 50 miles west.
Ahh, getting high there. That’s up around 9,000’ isn’t it? Big snow at that elevation doesn’t surprise me at all.
8700-8800 hundred feet.
Lived in Park county, 9000 ft. One year on the 4th of July a front rolled in snowed for 20 minutes and then the sun came out and 65 degrees melted the snow in a few minutes.
I believe it. We used to fish about a month total every year in three or four trips. Mostly up around Platora, Antonito, Ozier Station and pretty much the whole Canejos from the headwaters to the Rio.
Well, that must be up in the mountains…so they get snow anyways.
So, the glaciers in the Arctic region are melting? Not surprised.
As I have always said before…the earth is evolving. It does that at every cycle ever since it was formed. But scientists are saying that the Sun will eventually burst the atmosphere and that can cause ruptures stratosphere, and will cause severe damages to earth that Man will not be able to survive. But it won’t happen in this lifetime - Thank Goodness!