CIA document on Mars civilization

That’s only an assumption.
What if somebody is keeping the lunar orbit around Earth constant? An easy task for technologically advanced civilizations.

No it isn’t an assumption it’s measured by laser to within an inch.

If some outside force was holding it in orbit other than the natural forces already explained there would be a radiation signature showing the use of power to do so.

No. The metals from Moon indicates Moon is older that Earth itself and Moon is artificial.
You probably didn’t deign to watch the video.

The facts show otherwise. The composition of the moon is identical to the composition of the Earth’s crust.

The wack theory and double wack theory.
So laughable.

Facts proven by science.

Can you post a dated link to the video of the proto-planet impact and the moon spitting off into orbit?

The moon and the Earth have the same composition? Sounds like the same Creator made them both.

Says who?
They ain’t.

Who says they ain’t?

Presence of certain metals speaks volumes.

So did Noah build this in case the ark didn’t float?

Noah’s ark was probably built in Tarim Basin before it became a huge lake.

Where did Noah build the death star moon out of metal?

Those in Hollywood are more knowledgeable than you might think.


The movie was made years before Mimas photo was resolved enough to show the crater.

There are some “insiders” who demonstrate their knowledge (about certain hithertofore unknown secrets) in the movies they produce or co-produce.

If that is true, then the writers of Dick Tracy, Star Trek and Buck Rogers must have been from the future.

Like I say, there are insiders in Hollywood, George Lucas being one of them.

Insiders? Like aliens from other times or planets? Are they here legally?

George Orwell who wrote 1984 was an insider because his dad worked for the British intelligence. Orwell knew what the agenda was

You have not explained what these people are inside of