California Passes Law to Require Background Checks for Ammo

No, it certainly doesn’t. Lower courts aren’t bound by lower court precedent. They do tend to respect the SC precedent.

It is a small price to pay to lose a woman like Carol Bowne because of inept government that kept her from buying the tools to defend herself?

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The only reason they get away with that crap is “public safety” which is their favorite excuse to infringe on rights. Same bullshit that you’re trying to pull on the 2nd Amendment. Where does the Constitution give the Feds or the States the right to limit my travel or limit my possession of firearms? Show me in specific. . . because if it’s not part of the Constitution it’s not within their power.

Show me in specifics where the government has the constitutional authority to infringe upon a woman’s right to do as she pleases with her body?

They have no constitutional authority to do that… HOWEVER… they DO have the Constitutional authority to keep her from hurting another person… which is what a baby is but I’m guessing you know that and still buy into the lump of cells bullshit.

I’ll be back later, this is entertaining. It’s always fun to watch a liberal fail miserably with bumper sticker thoughts.

It will always be effortless to locate & acquire an illegal firearm & ammunition; but if it proves to be too much of a chore, well,

The 1927 Bombing That Remains America’s Deadliest School Massacre


It’s not a ‘person’ until it’s born. Do you want to argue that in the census pregnant women are counted as two.

Read the 9th and 10th Amendments.

If the gov’t isn’t supposed to protect the most innocent lives among us it serves no purposes at all.

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It’s a human life. It’s not a clump of cells.

Personhood is a creation of the courts. One court ruling can declare the unborn to be a “person” and entitled to all of the rights afforded and protected under our constitution and laws with a single decision.

Give me a semi loaded with diesel and fertilizer and I’ll show you a real bomb.

It’s not counted as a person until it’s born…:man_shrugging:

It’s not allowed to vote until it’s 18… what’s your point?

It’s quite salient, it’s not a person until it’s born…

You can split hairs all you want. It’s a human life, not a clump of cells that is part of the mother. If it was part of the mother, she would have 4 legs, 4 arms, 20 toes, 20 fingers… she doesn’t because it’s not part of her, it’s a HUMAN BEING deserving of life.

I’m not splitting hairs, you’re not a person or counted until you’re born.

What about the hundreds of thousands of civilians all across the ME that US bombs have killed? We’re those persons deserving of life? It seems conservatives are only concerned about the unborn, and then not after.

We didn’t count black people as a person until we fought a bloody war… again, doesn’t make it right or logical. Point blank, it’s a baby. It deserves the right to life.

Stop trying to conflate one issue into another!