California Passes Law to Require Background Checks for Ammo

Oh nice, so fighting a war is now equal to abortion… So question… if a guy is murdering people left and right in public and I shoot him, is that person deserving of life or did I protect the innocent lives by stopping him? You’re seriously going to equate a deliberate killing of an innocent life with casualties of war? Good God, grow up.

And one side was fighting to preserve the status quo.

No, It’s far worse…

Yes, Democrats were doing that, just like they’re fighting to preserve abortion today.

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What is the matter with you? Did you forget to take your meds today?

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Nope. Incorrect. Fighting a war is correcting a wrong if it’s a just war. We can probably agree on unjust war but while horrible, it’s no where near as disgusting as murdering an unborn baby.

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There is no constitutional justification for our regime change wars. Even your Trump’s position. And he has rightfully decried the 7 trillion dollars wasted doing so.

This is off topic and you to stop trying to derail this thread!

Did I say I supported fully the war in Iraq? I support slapping down people that attack us, or interests or our allies and Iraq certainly qualified but I don’t support soldiers playing policeman. Slap them down and leave. I don’t like having our troops remaining in Germany for crying out loud. Protect your own damn nation. See, that’s the problem with some of you. You assign beliefs to people without bothering to find out what they believe. I’m not a pro-war guy. I’m actually anti-war but sometimes, the only way to stop it is to take down the people engaged in it. I was part of Desert Storm, I saw was Sadaam did and trust me, what we did was justice.

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That’s all he has, change the subject and see if he can be right on SOMETHING… :smiley:

Yep! Slowly but surely people are woke to this asshat’s game and are starting to ignore him. A compulsive liar with a penchant for making shit up is his MO!

Which wouldn’t be Hussein, Gaddafi or Assad…

A point on which we can certainly agree.

IT’s a human at conception, certainly at implantation, and beyond any doubt by the end of the first trimester.

It isn’t even arguable which is why they have to do all they can to play on emotions and dehumanize the unborn.

There would have been no civil war without Republicans.

There would have been no Emancipation Proclamation without Republicans.

There would have been no 13th or 14th Amendments without Republicans.

There would have been no Federal Civil Rights act without Republicans.

There would have been no end to Jim Crow Laws, without Republicans.

There would have been no slavery without Democrats.

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Wrong as usual. All three of those attacked us.

That is not the argument I am making. I am making the argument for better enforcement of existing laws against violent behavior and harsher penalties for doing so. You cannot reduce violent crime by punishing people who are not committing violent crimes.

We already have laws in place to prevent felons from purchasing firearms. The NICS system for verifying the background of every Form 4473 purchase has been in place for more than 20 years. And felons cannot circumvent that process by buying firearms on line. All on-line sales MUST go through an FFL and undergo the associated background check.

Would you punish people for having their car stolen that resulted in the death of an innocent in a subsequent traffic incident? Would you prevent an individual from buying a car unless they can guarantee that it will not be stolen? Your idealistic ideas are a atrocity to freedom.

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There is nothing new about that. Over the years, the SCOTUS has been rue to take on any 2nd Amendment case.

Which Amendment is that? And what restrictions are you talking about … having to show valid ID?

So, is a person, regardless of how crazy they are, entitled to own a firearm if they have not violated any law.

They have never been a danger to others…

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