British-Flagged Oil Tanker Seized by Iran! HAPPENING!

We can account for every ship, boat, and sub they have bigger than a bathtub and count them off.

Same with shore batteries and aircraft. About 3/4 of their AF’s planes and equipment that is even capable of use is over 40 years old and nowhere near capable of surviving an engagement with US aircraft or AA.

Inland they can’t put a jeep much less anything bigger on the road that we can’t track by satellite, drone, and aircraft recon.

They are playing a game here they can’t possibly win so I suspect they are just trying to get a better negotiating position.

The problem is that the more we allow them to escalate without retaliating the bolder they’ll get to the point they take one step too far and we’ll have to retaliate in massive fashion rather than a “proportional response” like hitting one airfield in Syria.

This is probably what President Trump wants so Lil Kim will pay attn as to what could happen to NK

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Trump has been bending over backwards trying to play "The Peacemaker " but if doesn’t also show he’s willing to push the “Go Button” when necessary we’re just going to have more and more problems.

I think he was pretty naive with his “no more wars and bring the troops home” rhetoric in 2016 and dealing with Kim and the Mullahs is proving to be quite an education.

Maybe, but if you pay attention to the sentiment of posters here is indicative that the common American is war weary and don’t want another. We currently spend 53 billion a year just to fund our was war in Afghanistan that is going on 20 years, the longest such war in US history. The point is I think Trump wants to put that 53 billion to good use by building and repairing America’s infrastructure. Can’t do that if we are fighting endless wars in foreign countries!

1 agree, we are war weary and its a financial drain on the budget. The TOWELHEADS keep poking us in the eye and getting away with it.
The time time has come to stop Iran’s destabaling efforts in the Middle East.
I’m not advocating for an all out war with them, but they need a " severe attitude readjustment " even if includes Israel.
Libiya got the message with a strike on Qaddafis home. Maybe this is what the TOWELHEADS need along witha missile strike at their oilfields and storage facilities.

I think it’s more useful for NATO and Saudi Arabia to address this mess with Iran and start spending their own money! The bigger strategic ploy is for the US to sit it out and stop playing the worlds police and not getting paid for it! Too many countries take advantage of the US’s kindness into thinking we will always show up to protect them, and not expect something in return, that nonsense has got to end! Why do you think China doesn’t want the same role? Because they know war is expensive, and creating situations where America is embroiled in military conflict is to a larger extent a strategy to weaken the country! We need to start focusing on the BS at home first as we currently are a very ill country!

I agree but there are several problems with that.

First, with the exception of the UK the Euro’s are more likely to go for appeasement rather than drawing a hard line in the sand and responding with military force.

Second, if the Saudis get involved it’s very likely to blow up into a much wider war.

Whether we like it or not our economy is entirely dependent on keeping the flow of commerce through the Straits of Hormuz unimpeded since oil is traded at global rather than local prices.

Unfortunately, no other country except Israel has the BALLS to confront the Towelheads about their support for ISLAMIC TERRORISTS groups.
If Israel had a ship in the Strait of Hormuz and Iran’s DEEVOLUTIONARY GUARDS attempted to commit Piracy in international waters, what do think their response would be.
Our allies need to do more so that we shouldn’t be the power by default.

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I don’t think that we are getting the whole story on this entire thing from the MSM. Nobody’s really explaining the conflict and why this is all going on right now. Personally I’m very skeptical of Bolton. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was somehow pulling the strings to get another war going.


I think as a matter of pride they’d like their own Navy to do the job. Not surprising really.

Yeah! What’s left of it!

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It would be interesting to know if the tanker (Grace1 was it called?) actually was carrying oil, and whether or not it was carrying it to Syria. That’s being kept very quiet since Iran impounded one of ours in retaliation. Honestly, you have no idea how useless the British government is these days.

Yeah, the US and UK haven’t exactly covered themselves in glory in their skirmishes around the middle eastern region lately!! In fact they’ve fucked up big-time in every one they’ve gotten involved in, most recently Syria.

It would have if our useless politicians kept out of it.

Just another perspective as to what is the larger context and who is playing behind the scenes!

Good luck to Iran - who TF do we (US & UK) think we are to be chucking our weight around and forcing our military might against smaller countries. One of the opening narratives of Bitter Lake is ‘The west has become a dangerous and destructive force in the world.’ Haven’t we already brought the world almost to the point of a cataclysmic war after our disasters in the middle east? Will we never learn that we’re not as smart as we think?

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The bigger question I have is who are you and where do your allegiances stand? Can’t say I remember seeing your posts before to know your political leanings!

I have no idea what you are talking about! US didn’t fuck up Syria, maybe Libya but certainly not Syria!