Don’t get your feelings hurt because the ambassador pointed out the obvious about our inept president…
We don’t have a damned thing other than unnamed sources.
Well, if you consider your government being inept, incompetent and clumsy to be tame…ok
Pay back is a bitch sometimes! This one is going to hurt!
Kim didn’t do the leaking…
But it does matter, he’s off the hook from having to dine with Trump, as he’s behaving in his usual sophomoric way…
Whoever leaked the ambassador’s comments no doubt thought they were gonna hurt Trump. Looks like they were just spittin’ into the wind… as it always seems to happen to those who try to damage our president.
He fk himself over during a time when Britain needs the US most!
If the ambassador had such a strong bias they should never have been appointed or accepted the position.
Once again the taint falls back on the aggressor.
And how is the Brits economy, are they energy independent, have record low unemployment and rising wages………………hell no! They are as uppity as it gets to call President Trump incompetent and inept, it’s nothing but elitist British snobs and I might add have exposed their own stupidity, ineptness and incompetence. Liberals in the UK are no different then liberals in the USA they are always guilty of what they accuse others of.
But you know the UK as with other Euro countries are big GW nut jobs so they do harbor a lot of resentment towards Trump for pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord nonsense and are not able to pick pocket the USA so easily anymore, so I do believe their is strong bias against the President and he knows it. He has been calling out Euro slackers in NATO and all the global G summits since he took office. The elite British and European politicians don’t much like him and I don’t think Americans should care much if hey do or don’t.
Well I’m a bit surprised, I was expecting him to be quietly recalled.
Sounds like the FS dropped a hammer on his head instead.
Probably the most diplomatic statement of Trump’s career. Good job Mr. President.
What’s that suppose to mean? He didn’t have a bias, he just reported back home what he observed. It was probably a Brexiteer that leaked the ambassadors comments because he wasn’t promoting Brexit.
The ambassador is a single person A, and 2, it’s not upitty to report what you are observing back to your agency.
You are completely blinded by your own bias there partner.
That is putting it nicely for paid troll here!
There was no aggression. The ambassador reported back to his government what he was suppose to. Trump is inept, incompetent and clumsy…
And you want people to take you serious when you make posts like these? You personify the meaning of clown!
Darroch observed, though, that Trump “radiates insecurity” and “had no filter,” that his White House was “a uniquely dysfunctional environment,” and that its Iran policy was “incoherent and chaotic.” Darroch wrote, “I don’t think this Administration will ever look competent.”