British ambassador on Trump

That would be the now unemployed Darroch. :joy:

Well you know when someone has to repeat the same nonsense to a different member here, that pretty much is propagating trolling!

It simply reads like what you can hear any day on MSNBC.

It means his comments were especially inept and poorly thought through.

His bias owned his tongue.

No matter now…He is busy updating his MONSTER profile.



Pointing out the obvious, what most Americans know, and have known throughout his administration is not a bias.

He was already doing so. His ambassadorship ended in a few months anyway… :man_shrugging:

“Most Americans Know” no such thing. Those that do are simply the same democrats and anti Trumpers who have always spewed the same hate and done everything they could to undermine the administration since election day.

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Even worse…Burning bridges as you exit.

Malice on top of ineptness.

You would think people would catch on that Trump is a skilled rhetorical counter-puncher and the best way to beat him is to let him have the first shot.


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What do you mean, “as he exits”

His communications to the UK were unflattering from the inception of the Trump administration.

It is/was his job to report his observations to home, flattering or critical.

He got his ass fired thus the “exit”.

It’s not the ambassadors job to engage a street fight with Trump or beat him, but to advance British interests and report to his superiors the prospects of that based upon the administrations dispositions.

So if you keep attesting he was doing his job exactly as he was supposed to why did the FS fire him?

They ADVANCED their interests alright.

Someday they may actually discover what those interests are.


Care to elaborate. The ambassador was withdrawn because he could no longer be effective at advancing British interests, because the impish and sophomoric president started pouting and threw a fit, refusing to work with him anymore, disinviting him to functions etc…

He wasn’t withdrawn, he was fired.

The whole world KNOWS what an inept moron Trump is…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

WASHINGTON — Ask members of the Washington diplomatic corps about the cables that Sir Kim Darroch, the British ambassador who resigned Wednesday, wrote to London describing the dysfunction and chaos of the Trump administration, and their response is uniform: We wrote the same stuff.

“Yes, yes, everyone does,” Gérard Araud, who retired this spring as the French ambassador, said on Wednesday morning of his own missives from Washington. “But fortunately I knew that nothing would remain secret, so I sent them in a most confidential manner.”

That inept moron pulled off the greatest election upset in the last century of US politics.

Sadly for the UK, every other emissary was able to think on their feet at least a little bit.

Still looking for those elusive “interests.”


He’s so self obsessed he now thinks he speaks for the whole world.

Ask Iran how inept he is.

Only because his challenger was an equally despised person…