British ambassador on Trump

No Christopher Steel is not the Brits you dimwit! It’s already a known fact that the British intelligence service were in on the Spygate hoax. If you had any ounce of integrity or semblance of reading ability you would find that is the case! There is an entire thread dedicated to this subject matter that clearly points this out! Got anymore stupid comments to add?

And yet another example!

And yet another useless post, adding nothing to the conversation, and meant as an insult. Do you have anything to actually say about the OP, or will you just continue trolling…hmmm?

Trump has May on his side, kinda sorta…

Oh that is rich coming from someone who regularly tries to derail threads and adds nothing to conversations with useless comments and at times telling lies! You take the trophy here skippy!

Some of the British are only concerned that the cables were leaked… :wink:

Justice Secretary David Gauke called the leak “disgraceful” but said Britain “should expect our ambassadors to tell the truth, as they see it.”

That’s EXACTLY my point in highlighting the stupidity in your posts!

More whining about pointing out why your posts contain stupidity. Am I just supposed to coddle your posts? Stupid is, as stupid does! If putting a spotlight on your posts is an insult to you, it’s time for you to consider the content of what you post before you actually post it.

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Now offense to UK friends here but UK can go fuck themselves. Seriously.

When you taken sides in American political process and spy for their opponents…you deserve everything comes down the pipe.


This is not the first time Darroch’s comments have been leaked. He should be more careful. But what does it matter? Darroch is a stodgy old politician who has held numerous offices in British politics, but has never been elected to anything. I wonder what our own Ambassador to the U.K., (New York Jets owner Woody Johnson) has to say in his cables about Theresa May and her failure to fix the Brexit mess?

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Look Guv, if all you’ve got is personal insults and criticisms, then go talk to somebody else.

What does that have to do with the good ambassadors astute commentary on Trump and his administration?

Partisan BS… .

Anybody that has any criticism of Trump is ALWAYS branded as a nothing and a nobody, irrelevant or worse, to the Trumper. That he is inept, incompetent and clumsy can’t be denied nor defended against, so just demonize the critic…

The economy, jobs numbers, price of petroleum, first increase in real wages since the 90’s all show otherwise not to mention the big fat splat of the Mueller report.

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Probably a lot, it’s their job to be candid and not diplomatic in those communications. I’m sure he’s been critical of her.

And I would just add that the accuracy of the ambassadors comments is demonstrated in the fact that 38 ambassadorships remain vacant and from the Justice Department to Veterans Affairs, vast swaths of the government have top positions filled by officials serving in an acting capacity — or no one at all. While 19 top leadership positions at the pentagon are empty, and we’re on our third acting SOD in 7 months.

Trump epitomizes incompetency.

Yet all of our Embassies are functioning just fine as is every department of the Federal Gov’t.

Stop saying stupid stuff. It’s not hard. You’ll feel better about yourself.

The spotlight is always gonna be on, dude. And I notice I’m not the only one around here trying to help you out by pointing out the stupid stuff. Yet you persist. Sometimes it’s so frequent that it seems like you thrive on it.

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So what? It’s just opinions of people hate Trump. Their positions in the UK government makes no difference. Our own FBI leadership was controlled by such assholes…as was the CIA.

Even if half of our electorate hated (and still hates) Trump and went totally bonkers when he whipped that crooked bitch Hillary, that’s all that’s being expressed…a negative opinion devoid of any semblance of fact.

You are simply a gullible child.

Trump won and is doing a great job despite the orchestrated opposition.

Get over it and return to helping this nation improve instead of trying to tear it down.


But we don’t have to imagine, we have the cables, his government is in disarray with dozens and dozens of positions not filled, which is frustrating allies and not alike and the US has never looked so pathetic and incompetent…as the good ambassador pointed out.