Brexit Betrayal

Now there’s a back-handed ‘compliment’ if ever there was one? lol Go, BoJo, go! Sock it to the treacherous bastards.
(calling Corbyn a ‘yellow belly’ :rofl: )

Nice observation re The Donald. The born-to-rule US political elite couldn’t believe it when a ‘not-one-of-us’ outsider won the Presidency, and they’ve never forgiven him. They thought the Clinton woman had it in the bag, then along comes Donald and pulls the rug right out from beneath their feet. DOH! You’d need to have a heart of stone not to laugh? :sweat_smile: All we need to make us laugh even more is for DJT to be re-elected for a second term??

They’re irrelevant now, all the time we’re tied to the EU. As it stands, our parliament exists only to rubber-stamp everything Brussels says otherwise we’ll be fined for defaulting on their orders. I mean think about it - a bunch of bloody unelected foreigners fining us for not carrying out their orders?? WTF!

So it could be argued (and I do lol) that we don’t need the Westminster parliament, and our taxes are being used (abused?) to pay for two (parliaments) when one would do? The Blessed Margaret would turn in her grave if she knew that this beloved country of ours has sunk to little more than a subservient banana state. And to think that we once ran a fucking Empire??

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She predicted it. “A single currency is a federal Europe by the back door.”

My option would be the 4th one, with the army positioned all along our east and south coasts, ready to blow up any illegals trying to sneak in. How hard can it be, we don’t have to build a wall, we have a bloody big moat. Perhaps Ireland would like to leave the EU too and become part of the UK. Why not?

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What a bombshell if it could be a go’er though? I’d bet it’ll put ‘the usual suspects’ well and truly on the back foot?? How I’d love to see them all squirming, especially Hammond, Soubry, and Grieve. I think you could well be right in your intuition that Boris is much smarter than many think.

I’m beginning to think that he might revoke article 50 - invoking a no confidence vote, which he would lose, and hence Boris gets the GE he wants. Hope he listens to LBC lol

Parliament is suspended until 14th - If Boris loses a no confidence vote he has 14 days to call an election which takes us up to abt 31st.
Sounds like a plan.

He’s blown it big-time I’m afraid. I’ve just Tweeted my prediction that his rejection of Farage’s offer, which could have saved the situation, will finish the Tories (probably for ever), and post-GE we’ll have either a Labour or a Brexit Party govt., shortages of medicines and foodstuffs, and serious rioting on the streets. I’m just glad that I live 8 floors up at the top of an apartment block.

ps I also asked BoJo that before he leaves office, he might ask Macron to stop supplying motorised dinghies to the residents of The Jungle.

Oh dear, Boris is really several steps ahead of you! He’s playing the EU too and they’re confused. Do you think all that has happened with Parliament was unforeseen? Of course not. It was all part of the plan to expose the Marxists. They have been lying and hiding in plain sight for too long.

As for Nigel’s offer, think about it! There will be no GE before 31st Oct. Will there be a need for the Brexit Party after we have left? If anything, it should have given you confirmation that we definitely are leaving! How is something that Boris is keeping to himself for now and all we can do is guess.

Well nobody would be more pleased than me if you’re right; but Boris was looking extremely discomfited in the BBC news interviews yesterday evening. If he is right,and pulls it off without Nige, I shall dress in sackcloth and ashes, crawl on all 4s to Number 10 and apologize to him in person. But DO NOT underestimate the traitors, especially Hammond and Grieve - they’re a force to be reckoned with? Nor are they alone; they both have friends in high judicial places and (as is pointed out that this is not judicial, it’s political) in high political places too, and with loads of wealth. And Corbyn will big up the shortages mentioned in Yellowhammer as well.

Edit: AND in the BBC??

But the Surrender bill already gained Royal assent on Monday. :thinking: That was when Boris put a GE to Parliament once again and yellow belly Corbyn refused yet again. That was after last Wedsnesday when Corbyn said he would approve of having a GE if the bill passed.

Boris is up to something else. I think we are looking in the wrong place. It may be something to do with the EU themselves.

Ooops - its been a long week lol

What happens when the creative and crazy new laws passed by Parliament contradict existing laws? For example, anything signed under duress is null and void. So they are forcing Boris to seek an extension with the EU. So technically it would be null and void.They are wanting full disclosure of all private texts and messages. What about the Right to Privacy Act (article 8) under Human Rights? I guess it is work for the Supreme Court.

Something tells me that the remainers will need to be fought tooth and claw into the distant future, whether Boris engineers an exit or not. Prevailing will require stakes thru the heart, silver bullets, and a mountain of maggots to eat the rancid meat.


Article 6(1) of that Convention says:-

“In the determination of his civil rights…everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an impartial tribunal”.

Here is the text of the application that the English Democrats are issuing:-

Application to the European Court of Human Rights

The Applicant brought a case for Judicial Review regarding the implementation of Brexit in respect of the legal position of the UK and of the legal position of all citizens of the UK and, in particular, all those in England who voted to leave the European Union in the EU Referendum and of all “Persons” in the UK. The UK Government sought to get around Parliament by using the Royal Prerogative to extend the Article 50 notice period.

The Applicant’s Article 6 rights were infringed by Orders made on 19th June 2019 and on 19th August 2019 and its domestic Appeal remedies have been exhausted (see the case papers).

The Applicant is a political party registered with the UK’s Electoral Commission and is also a “Not for Profit” company limited by guarantee registered with the English and Welsh Companies House. It has legal personality.

The relevant Application was for a declaration that the Applicant and all the above were out of the European Union on the 29th March 2019 by reason of the expiry of the UK’s Notice Period. All the legal rights and obligations created by the European Union would therefore not apply to the Applicant nor any of the above and therefore the Application was determinative of the Applicant’s EU “civil rights and obligations”. Since “Community Law” applies directly in the UK and other EU treaty obligations are incorporated into municipal law the Applicant’s civil rights and obligations under municipal law were affected as well.

The Applicant’s Judicial Review Application was not dealt with in a timely manner, despite making Applications for it to be expedited.

That’s from the English Democrats and Robin Tilbrook. :wink: Basically the case is that we already have left on the 29th March because the request for extension was not made law i.e. did not gain Royal Assent. That has been ongoing for months. They haven’t got very far.

What can they do? Come a GE, they will be gone. Funny they are no longer taunting Boris that he has no mandate.

Yes, I knew of that earlier. The email just arrived today with the “Urgent Update” title and I fell for it…thinking I had a scoop on the red hot skinny! :smile:

My money is on Boris pulling something out of the bag. He is too smart not to. The EU are terrified of him. I am only wracking my head what on earth it could be!

Merkel has been rather quiet lately… Macron is playing tough guy but will do whatever Merkel and the EU tells him to do.