Brexit Betrayal

Macron and that Canadian Sissy are two of the biggest pussies I’ve even known to run countries. It must be the French connection. :laughing:

I don’t know UK or EU politics, but I wouldn’t breathe a sigh of relief until the UK remainers and the EU have accepted it and move on. I expect you’ll need to fight them years after it seems to be done. They’ll try to engineer bad economic times, legal roadblocks, put in punishing EU sanctions with help globally, and try to get a second, maybe even third referendum with several choices instead of two.

These are resourceful conniving weasels with a lot at stake.

Once we have left, what referendum could we have? To join the EU? :joy: The objective is to remove them from Parliament. They lied to get into their positions of power and now Boris has exposed them for who they really are. In a GE, Boris is likely to get a massive majority, meaning he can do what the hell he likes without hindrance, a majority that devious May deliberately lost, giving Remainers the power to thwart Brexit.

Electoral commission rules: in a referendum, they cannot say split the leave vote by having three options, for example, leave with no deal, leave with some deal or stay. They would first have to ask leave or remain. Then if leave wins, they can ask leave with a deal or with no deal. If there is a second referendum and remain wins, then what will it be, best of three?

I have recently learnt that the French Resistance wasn’t all that. The Gilets Jaunes are bigger than they were. They wanted to roll over for the Germans. Now that is what they’re doing! As for Macron, he has Napoleon complex and a penchant for embalmed grannies.

Yes, but now the cunning bastards are saying he lied to Brenda, and if they can pull it off thanks to a compliant judiciary, not forgetting a compliant mainstream media and the BBC, the parliamentary suspension will be reversed? Meanwhile the ‘worst scenario’ documents just revealed (I’d like to know what that redaction is?) will be hyped up out of sight by Corbyn - and the traitors too? - and will soon be accepted as being definite consequences instead of what it was meant to be, preparing for the possibility of adverse consequences. In other words, the bastards are opportunistically using the document to revitalise Project Fear?

I don’t know how Grieve et al can can have the gall to be interviewed in front of news cameras and even mention the word ‘democracy’. This country is only a whisker away from becoming an oligarchy. In fact, with the Eurozone now on the brink of fiscal collapse, our elected representatives are unwittingly driving us towards that ‘cliff edge’ which they keep on parroting. We’ve become a country of fools governed by fools.

That will never happen, because the remainers are in two camps, political and liberal: the first camp have too much to lose if we cut ties with Brussels because then they’d have to find real (think productive?) jobs post-Westminster, and the liberal camp won’t ever accept they were wrong because that’s what liberals are all about - in their childlike (they are adult children, sort of?) naivete they cause all kinds of chaos, then leave others to sort out the mess when their rationales are proven to have been flawed.

I just tried to add to that but couldn’t. Gawd this ‘3 consecutive replies’ rule is a pain the the ass!

Here you go then. :slightly_smiling_face:

Meanwhile here’s something to wind you up: whose hand do you think is up Bercow’s backside? There has to be one. I reckon it’s Blair.

When I wrote that I thought it would make a good Monty Python sketch.

Now we get this…
Meanwhile, EU leaders are supposedly ‘tearing their hair out’ over Labour’s ‘mad’ Brexit policy. You know the one: to negotiate a new deal, then campaign against said deal in a referendum to Remain. According to EU sources: “They want us to negotiate a ‘credible’ deal and then they will campaign against it in a referendum? That is mad. How can we negotiate with people like that?” Their divisions and magical thinking are as bad as anything the Conservatives produced — perhaps worse.”
The only good thing abt Brexit so far, are the jokes.

Where will these creative new laws passed by the infestation in Parliament get us? I am confused about the conflicts. It seems like they have all forgotten that Article 50 is enshrined in law, which says we are (now) leaving on 31st Oct, come what may. It was May who attached the deal problem to leaving. They are two separate issues. Now we have another law, that we cannot leave without a deal. How can that work, being at odds with the Article 50 law?

Banning no deal is banning Brexit. Firstly, that gives the EU power to reject everything. Secondly, assuming the EU are in a magnanimous mood and Boris gets a stonking deal, say free trade, the Remainers in Parliament will reject everything. So effectively they managed to pass a law forbidding us leaving.

This does need to go to court. A proper court, not some Scottish biased one. The judge needs to ask, as they do always, is it reasonable? Is it reasonable to stymie the Government who are only delivering the will of the people. After all, until formally agreed otherwise, we are still supposed to be a democracy.

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Point 1: Blair hankers after being President of the EU - always has, always will - and Bercow aspires to be the EU parliament’s new Speaker. Maybe they can help each other to those ends?

Point 2 (Stewart’s joke) . . . that’s funny??

My latest prediction: Without Farage there will be no Brexit. Indeed, and as we both know, without Farage there would have been no Brexit referendum. If Boris doesn’t pull off a no deal exit then we’ll have a Brexit Party government for sure, or I’ll eat my favourite tie.

Something about Boris: he says things deliberately to confuse, to throw off the scent. He said Nigel wasn’t fit to be in Parliament and the Tories would not do an election pact with the Brexit Party. Truth: recently the Tories and the Brexit Party joined forces and took over Hartlepool council.

Boris said he would not break the law. Which law? Which law takes precedent, the Surrender bill, which is a domestic law or the Lisbon Treaty? Article 50 is in the Lisbon Treaty.

He is off to meet with the EU on the 17th Oct. shortly after Parliament reconvenes. If he gets a deal agreed, he will put it to Parliament, but I think Labour will vote it down, no matter how brilliant it is, because their pathetic objective is to make Boris miss his 31st October do or die deadline. Just so they can go to the polls and gloat.

What will happen next? If Boris does get a deal but not past Parliament, he could call no confidence in himself. If he doesn’t get a deal, he could do the same. Would Labour vote confidence in Boris? That would be funny, but they would probably abstain. All the Tories could vote no confidence and all they need is a majority of one. Parliament would then be shut for 14 days whilst the current government reforms. In the meantime, that would take us past 31st October. Boris could then just present the current government again for a confidence vote. This time, all the Tories can vote confidence and the government stays as is. However, if Labour and the others decide to vote no confidence, then it would be a general election. Of course, Corbyn would want to install himself as caretaker PM but he wouldn’t get the backing. The Lib Dems made it clear they would not back Corbyn and some of his own party wouldn’t either Maybe this is how it could pan out?

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You know Boris is right for the job. :joy:

…and when he gets called a “climate change denier.”

Excellent post indeed J. My compliments. I so want to believe everything you say, but for Boris to have rejected Nigel’s offer out of hand, with an insult as a ‘chaser’? That’s not a good way to propitiate another leader towards forming a partnership is it. I’ve underestimated Boris’ nous before, and maybe I’ve just done it again. We need (and I repeat the phrase) a seismic change of politics in this country because the big 3 have become complacent to the point of presupposed entitlement. My dearest wish is to see them knocked off their perches and into the dustbin of history, and a Brexit party led by NF with Boris as his deputy ensconced in Downing Street; but I wonder if the great British Public could get their heads around that? Somehow I doubt it, because the electorate fears change and won’t believe that ‘change’ can also mean change for the better. I’m just gonna hope that Boris can put the 325 traitors on the back foot, all sides will go into meltdown, thus leaving the field wide open for a BP government.


I couldn’t read it because of the firewall - I’ll watch out for it on Youtube.

Do the Libs really think this will win them an election - Another joke to amuse us on a Monday morning lol

Party leader Jo Swinson, interviewed by Andrew Marr, stated yesterday morning:

“If the Liberal Democrats at the next election win a majority, if people put into a government, as a majority government - the stop Brexit party - then stopping Brexit is exactly what people will get. Yes, we will revoke Article 50… If we end up at a general election then I think we need to be straightforward with people and give them the option for all this Brexit chaos to stop.”

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The transcript:

‘Dominic Grieve was not elected in a personal capacity. He was elected as a Tory on a Tory manifesto which promised Brexit. That man did not dissent at the time. His claims to dignity, to acting honourably are totally false. He is a shit – a lying deceiving shit from start to finish. And an oiled shit – look at that awful, greasy hairdo. We really have to start calling things by their proper names.’

‘The old word is treason. We are engaged in a highly contentious negotiation with a strong, united and determined opponent. A large part of the political elite has deliberately gone and negotiated with them against their own country. It’s another aspect of the elite I find disgusting – most of the elite hate their own country and they regard the people with absolute contempt.’

How Boris can avoid having to ask the EU for an extension as required in the Surrender bill and we leave on no deal:

Boris can present his Withdrawal Agreement after his meetings with the EU. It can be anything, even crappy May’s deal. But, it needs an addendum. It needs to be in two parts. The party would be told to support it, but not the addendum. Labour said they would vote for May’s deal, but goodness knows what chlorinated chicken Corbyn would do. As the WA is passed, Boris would not have to beg the EU for an extension. As the addendum is rejected, we leave on no deal.

Wow, that’s telling it like it is? Wish I could C&P it and put it on the arch traitor’s Twitter page. It also reminds me that traitors used to be shot at dawn.Wish they still did?? lol