Brexit Betrayal

Bloody hell, who could possibly have guessed that one? And wasn’t the timing impeccable too. The Guardian - clarion of the Loony Left.

I’m just glad I don’t have to use his barber. :grimacing:

WTF is that supposed to mean? :roll_eyes:

Figure it out Einstein!

“Love your violence or forever be a cuck!” No one here gets out alive!"

I never realised Bercow was a dwarf. £1 million pension pot for helping the Remainers!


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How’s the poor guy going to manage on a £1billion pension? I’d have thought Brussels would have been more generous than that for services rendered?

I’ve just Tweeted this -

Apart from that, he’s the biggest asshole you could wish to meet. Or the smallest? lol He’ll feel very much ‘at home’ in the Europarliament, but I think you’re being a bit stingy with his pension though - how about upping it a bit?

Here is the infestation in all its glory singing Red Flag. Thank goodness for the prorogation, otherwise they will pass a law that Boris will have to shoot himself, otherwise he will go to jail.

Edit: that video is now removed. Here is another one. The Labour MP’s do sing Red Flag at the end. Maybe the Guardian changed their mind about showing that.

I posted on the Trayvon Hoax thread an hour ago - ‘the entire western world is going mad.’ And I actually believe it too! Weird stuff going on day after day. It’s kinda ominous.

In the supermarket yesterday, I saw two separate white women dressed in hijabs. WTF! Maybe you’re right about women. I am sick of defending them now.

Boris to Bercow: “I believe you always acted in what YOU JUDGE to be the national interest.”

Last Wednesday, Corbyn refused a GE on the basis that he will approve once the surrender bill was passed. It passed yesterday and last night, Corbyn yet again refused a GE.

The perfect example of how politicians are smarter than the people who elected them.

Or perhaps the politicians have financial interests involved in their decisions.

Totally irrelevent and even if they ‘‘think’’ they are - in a representative democracy they are elected by the people to represent the people - not to do whatever they ‘‘think’’ is good for us. It may not be perfect and some ppl don’t like it but thats democracy I’m afraid. Direct democracy would IMO be much better but then the politicos would really be irrelevent.

Is the Pope catholic?

Sorry you missed the sarcasm.

Or perhaps politicians are chosen because of who they are; they have skeletons and are blackmail-able. Why are there so many paedos and fudgers pretending to be family men?

For many of them, I think it is the animal farm syndrome. Everyone is equal, but they are more so.

Politicians become elected ‘representatives’ of the voters because they lie quite well during the campaigns.

In my lifetime, Donald Trump comes the closest to fulfilling his campaign promises…thus pissing off the entrenched professional politicians. He’s strangling their cash cows.

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Yeah I wasn’t sure - thought I’d reply anyway in case it wasn’t

Politicians to a T…

Boris is one of the cleverest people out there. I am confident he has something else up his sleeve he is not letting on. The Remainers know that and that is why they are passing another bill requiring the government to show all their emails, messages etc. Yeah right. Boris is just playing along and the more they bully him, the more the country back him. These crazy Marxists will be dust come a GE and they know it now that they are showing their true colours.