Brexit Betrayal

The left has long since abandoned any sense of self-awareness or shame - they’re totally propaganda-driven and have developed very good skills of forgetting what they said yesterday. With a compliant media, they think that’s a winning formula. There are no principles that the left considers important - only the ones that facilitate their winning.

Democracy is exemplary of that - as soon as they lose, they are sure that the ignoramus voters were hoodwinked and they resort to whatever means necessary.

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Well Britbongs…how do you say it? You’ve been proper fucked. Brexit is finished.

I take it you bongs aren’t going to use your butter knives to protest your government going against your interests and vote until they vote correctly? Any bongs care to comment on what the general consensus is because the media sure won’t be honest.

If you don’t have anything intelligent to say, may I kindly request that you restrain.

Yeah, that about sums it up! LOL God only knows what the rest of the world is thinking as day after day they watch this humiliating shambles dragging on. And to think we once ran an Empire . . . these opportunistic Westminster nincompoops couldn’t even run a fucking whelk stall now and not bankrupt it. I confidently predict that the GE will result in a Brexit Party government, and the main parties will implode.

I seem the recollect that Article 5 states that if there’s no withdrawal settlement by the trigger date, there will be a no deal exit by default. How ‘they’ have changed all that?? Traitors the lot of them, and what will we do? Why, we’ll vote the same charlatans in again at the general election! How they just despise us that we keep effing voting one or other of them into office?

If the No Deal bill passes through the House of Lords, the Government could withhold Royal assent until after prorogation, which starts on Monday and will last 5 weeks. Any bills without Royal assent after prorogation are automatically scrapped. Also any amendments that the House of Lords may seek will have to be passed back to the Commons and they will run out of time.

Perhaps Boris could simply take us out early on the basis that it will have to be a no deal exit now as the Remainers have scuppered any chance of a deal, so it will make no difference whether it is during prorogation or on the 31st Oct. He could announce it after he has done it.

I have a feeling all this is a deliberate setup. He needs a good clear out. 21 have already had the whip removed and Boris is threatening any Tory peers in the Lords that if they vote for the bill, the whip would be removed from them also.

You obviously have a far better grasp of the minutiae than I do, Jen, and respect for that (my borderline dyslexia makes sequencing a problem for me): but isn’t it something to do with Boris’ majority in the House, or something? I’ve already told him (on Twitter lol) that he’s much smarter than I thought, so if there’s any way at all to stymie the conspirators (wouldn’t that be great, especially for Hammond, Soubry, and the ghastly Miller woman, the arch-traitors), I’m sure that he, Boris, together with Dominic Cummings and Nigel Farage will be able to prevail. But with all the negative neuro-linguistic programming about ‘crashing out’, ‘cliff-edge’, ‘catastrophic’, ‘job losses’ 'food shortages. ‘medicine shortages’ and the old favourite ‘it would be a disaster/disastrous’ propagandizing over the last 6 months, I don’t think there’s anything which can be done to stop it now. In fact, listening to Today this morning, with Nick Robinson giving Sajid Javid a hard time, the negativity seems to have taken on a momentum of its own? God how I hope I’m wrong!!

You seem a bundle of joy to be around and throw up the white flag rather eagerly. :roll_eyes:

Nigel will be doing a pact with the Conservatives in a GE. The Brexit Party will target the Labour strongholds, where they will never vote Conservative in a million years, but voted for Brexit. The Brexit Party will field a candidate in those seats and the Tories will not. As part of the deal, the Brexit Party will not field candidates in safe Conservative seats. I also think that any Remainers sneaking through (May springs to mind) will see a Brexit Party opponent. Boris would probably have a clear majority even without Nigel’s help, but together they can clean up.

Boris would have a majority still if all the traitors lost their seats and by-elections were called.

You tea and crumpet clowns should have crashed out years ago. You are never going to get a deal that is acceptable to the UK and all the EU countries - each individual country has veto power on any deal. Never going to happen.

You have Boris in there now, he and Trump see eye to eye. This is your best chance to get a good trade deal. Trump will probably let you clowns join Mexico and Canada and form USMCA+UK. It would be good for him politically and put even more pressure on Dems to get it passed.

This won’t be painless since Trump will squeeze all kinds of concessions out of you guys, especially your financial sector, but if you keep putting it off and if it happens after 2020 with a different PM, you will get absolutely ass raped.

My two cents (and undeniably the best post in this thread).

Trump isn’t going to head trade negotiations with the UK. Your trade reps have already made clear they see it as the UK being over a barrel negotiating from a position of weakness, and they intend to use that leverage to get whatever terms they want.

You can’t rely on any ‘goodwill’, trade negotiations are dog eat dog no matter which nation is at the other end of the table. It’s why they take years if not decades to finalise.

To the biggest ego in this thread: do you not comprehend that a trade deal works both ways? We have plenty to sell you too - decent cars that can go around corners, for one. We have the rest of the world with whom to trade, notably the Commonwealth; we are not so desperate we have to buy GM crap and mutant chickens from you just because you make the most noise.

Tell me, how are your good representatives representing the electorate in the so wonderful US of A?

As with any battle, there are ups and downs. Funny, that whenever we are in a “down,” there are Yanks who appear and delight in giving a kicking, adorned with insults. They seem to be rather quiet when things are looking good for us. I presume then, when Brexit does happen, it will be quite quiet.

Oh dear, Corbyn and Remainers looking somewhat silly again.

I hope you’re right, but don’t forget that Nige has been demonized for the past 4 years for perceived ‘racism’, and we all know how those in high places, with a little help from the Brit gutter press, are able to demonize anyone they want to destroy, and the BBC is always more than willing to assist them to that end. One only has to watch BBCQT for five minutes to sense an underlying hostility bordering upon visceral hatred toward Nigel Farage, whenever he’s on the panel.

And to think this is what’s really happening here; Westminster politicians are ruthlessly and knowingly destroying democracy before our very eyes just so they’ll have somewhere to head for after SW1, thereby not needing to do something more productive than sit on their fat arses for six months of the year and talk, often a lot of crap, and get paid a lot of money for doing it.

God how I loathe this woman . . .


. . . by Jove I feel better for getting that off my chest.

What a defeatist you are. You believe what you hear on the BBC? :roll_eyes:

Looks like Boris’ gamble didn’t pay off. Can’t control his own party and doesn’t have the votes to call for an election.

Say what you will about May, at least she didn’t burn down her own party.

Here is one Yank who really does understand…

We have the best professional politicians that money can buy. They promise to represent the people only to get elected and get a seat at the cash rewards table. They run for government positions that include a salaried job for which they don’t actually have to work yet makes them millionaires in just a few short years.

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