Brexit Betrayal

So what’s the deal? The remainers have laid their cards on the table. Can Boris force the exit?

No tyranny by clerk.
Lord Monckton is alright.

ps. If you can’t see video change your browser.

One man can’t possibly take on the entre political and judicial establishments, The Guardian newspaper,or the ghastly Miller woman (and who’s paying HER court costs? The ECB probably?) And who’ll be paying Major’s when he goes to court - why, the poor fucking English taxpayers of course, who else?

We don’t know it yet, but we’re witnessing the death of democracy, and the birth of oligarchy.

No, because after the treachery of Philip Lee by crossing the floor yesterday made the Johnson government into a minority one. I just wrote on Twitter I’m so depressed because the traitors are undoubtedly going to win this. I’ll bet Junker and Tusk are laughing their heads off, and looking forward to receiving the £40B from us.

Wonder if Boris could extend the prorogation to finish on 1st Nov - after we have left - If Parliament is prorogued he won’t be able to extend article 50.
Anyone know if thats possible?

If it were possible Boris and his advisers would plan for it. If we don’t get a Brexit Party government, I’m now resigned to staying in. But I know one thing - never again will I vote for any party or in any elections. Elections in an oligarchy would simply be a meaningless sham.

The Brexit referrendum was the first time I had voted in years.
It was one of the few examples of true direct democracy.
Our representative democracy is indeed a sham.

Agreed. It always has been, but this has revealed it for all to see - at least, those with more than a few brain cells - in its hypocrisy and weasel-worded meaningless. I couldn’t even watch last nights proceedings because I couldn’t bear to listen to all the lying, dissembling, obfuscation, and subterfuge. Unless the unexpected happens, and Boris turns the tables somehow, I’m finished with the democratic process in my country. In fact it isn’t ‘my’ or ‘our’ country any more, it belongs to the oligarchs from now on, and they’ll be able to do what they like, and there’s obviously nothing we can do about it.

Boris said we will leave “by 31st October.” Does that mean he can take us out before, during the time Parliament is suspended?

I have a feeling there is a plan here. Boris is working with Nigel behind the scenes but has to make it look like it is the fault of the Remainers that we have to leave with no deal.

Yep the Brexitory party will rise from the ashes of this fiasco LOL

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Dear god let it be so - I’ve never been so depressed over anything in my life. I’d love for the traitors - and I make no apologies for using that word because it’s precisely what they are - to come seriously unstuck owing to the 3 main parties having been trounced out of existence. But from what I ‘get’ from Twitter, that won’t happen because it seems the entire nation is inexplicably on the side of the traitors.

OK… so, Parliament intends to pass a law to force BoJo to stall Brexit until January 31 unless MPs approve a new deal.

However, BoJo won’t agree to ask the EU for more time, and would instead, seek an early election.

But he needs 2/3 of MP’s to back it.

What if they don’t?

Twatter is full of libtards. Look elsewhere.

So to summarise where we are…
Boris wants to leave EU
Corbyn wants to stay
Boris wants to quit as PM
Corbyn wants him to stay
Boris can’t quit bc we now have fixed term parliaments
Most of Boris’s opposition want him to stay
Most of the country want to leave EU
Most of the MP’s who represent the country want to stay
Jeez what an absolute fcuk up

LOL! Brexit has been worth it just for the pleasure of seeing UK politics completely fucking implode.

There is no reasserting normalcy after this bullshit, the UK political system is terminally fucked.

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Thinking abt the extension that parliament wants to force Boris to ask for —
It has to be agreed by all member states so if Boris asks for an extension but leaves it to the last minute - there won’t be time to get everyones agreement.
Or he could ask for an extension, complying with the law, but only ask for a one day extension - so we would leave on 1st Nov
Just thinking LOL

This was an interesting read albeit back in March but I had missed it.
Sorry if it had already been posted somewhere.

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Thanks for this. The chart says that a law blocking no-deal needs to “pass thru Lords and get royal assent.” Is that certain to happen? It seems that the law is pretty certain to happen.

I don’t know but all it can ever be is a delaying tactic. Corbyn has said that he will back a general election if a law preventing no deal was passed. Say it is, then Corbyn and the Remainers will have to approve a general election. Boris will win a thumping majority and will simply undo that law. The more spanners these Remainers try to throw, the worse it makes them look. Only last week they were screeching that Boris was being undemocratic by prorogueing Parliament! Who are the real undemocratic ones?

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