Brexit Betrayal

Another option. The EU have said that they will not grant another extension unless there is meaningful change i.e. general election.

I don’t know the EU very well, but the cynic in me thinks that they know that they have the remainers over a barrel and they want something tangible, maybe as simple as some money in a satchel. The last thing that the EU will ever do is give Boris what he wants, if I read those weasels correctly.

Does the house of Lords have a filibuster and people who can do it?

Without us paying the bills, the EUSSR project is finished. I heard that the Lords passed the bill - no surprise there. Boris is like Trump, he works for the people, not the globalist masters. He has a mammoth job.

I’ve just posted this on Twitter:

Every English Remoaner (especially females) should be FORCED to watch this to realize how utterly naive (or treacherous?) they are: note how they laugh about May while quaffing vintage wine paid for by us:

We’re under attack by the entire political class. And if that isn’t bad enough, they’re living off our money. They’re unscrupulous parasites, the lot of them!

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The pic - 4 of the treacherous enemies inside. How TF can Johnson do anything when he’s like an injured gazelle surrounded by African Hunting Dogs ffs?? May fucked up big time because of all the flattery of the Eurocrats, and this is all her bloody fault. As to right now - it’s such an imbroglio of political opportunism that UK businesses don’t know whether they’re coming or going. AND the PM is under pressure from Brussels too; they and Westminster traitors are hand-in-glove.

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We mustn’t be complacent though, because there are none so ‘inventive’ as bureaucrats when it comes down to getting what they want. But I watched a couple of youtube vids last night (one of them above) in which Farage was commenting on it, and it has made me a bit more optimistic - although if what he’s saying comes about, it would lead to street unrest - possibly even revolution - and of course, the Westminster charlatans would blame Farage for it. Must dash now, but I’ll post them when I come back home.

Make no bones about it; the Lords passed the Surrender bill as Boris calls it - Banning no deal Brexit IS banning Brexit. That hands all the power to the EU to reject everything thus keeping us tied into the EU forevermore.

Just a reminder what this is all about. Never has it been more obvious it is the people vs. the political elite. They are blatantly denying people their say.

This is what I believe will happen now. Boris will ignore the new law and not seek an extension from Brussels. We leave on no deal and Boris will face a no confidence vote. The Government will have 14 days to reform or face a general election. We get a general election. Bingo.

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Yes, but who wins the general election? Why should any of these treacherous, self-serving scumbags be returned to parliament, either in government or in Opposition positions? The entire thing has the stench of corruption and betrayal, and the betrayers should suffer for what they’re doing. They’re so completely oblivious to accusations of ‘traitor’ that I can’t help thinking they know something we don’t??

[quote=“Jen, post:1388, topic:337, full:true”]
Make no bones about it; the Lords passed the Surrender bill as Boris calls it - Banning no deal Brexit IS banning Brexit. That hands all the power to the EU to reject everything thus keeping us tied into the EU forevermore.

Just a reminder what this is all about. Never has it been more obvious it is the people vs. the political elite. They are blatantly denying people their say.[/quote]

And if that should happen there really would be a nationwide uprising. I can’t help feeling that the EU is steering Europe into war.

And I’ve just remembered that in one of those vids I watched last night it was mentioned that the EU accounts haven’t been signed off for 11 repeat ELEVEN years.

I just posted this on Twitter . . .

I often wonder how many EU stooges there are on this site, and to judge by the number of anti-Johnson posts I’d say there are quite a few.

. . . and got 4 Likes in as many minutes. :sunglasses:

If the Government changed the law on deserters / traitors, there probably wouldn’t be this mess. There should be mandatory by-elections on the constituencies of any MP’s who desert the party, because they only got their mandate for representing the party’s manifesto. They cannot then go against what they sold in the first place to secure their votes! Half the country have been duped.

If all those constituencies had by-elections, Boris would still have a majority and there wouldn’t have been all this no deal Brexit nonsense and there would be no need for a GE.

We shall see shortly, but I do not think the traitor bill will get royal assent. The Queen takes advice from the Prime Minister, like she did concerning the prorogueing. It is usually the Government who presents bills to the Queen, but on this occasion, Parliament and the Government are at odds. The Queen has to either defy the Houses or her Prime Minister. Budgeting and logistics for example are tasks for the Government and therefore requires their approval. It is unheard of really for the Government and Parliament to be at odds; obviously it means the Government has no majority, in which case a general election needs to be called.

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I heard this a couple of days ago. It seems Bercow has decided the queen is not going to get involved.
Royal assent

Dictatorship is bad, so we’re gonna dictate what is good for the people - Remoaners

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Fat turd Bercow has no authority to break hundreds of years of English constitution; who does he think he is. Totally wrong - every piece of legislature requires royal assent.

The arch traitor Grieve warned on BBC tv news that if Boris ‘breaks the (contrived and passed by charlatans?) ‘law’, he’ll go to prison’. Oh yeah? If that happened, make no mistake about it there would be rioting and bloodshed in the streets around Westminster. Have these idiots no ability at all to predict events? Don’t they get it that every crafty move they’re making is yet another nail in not only their own careers, but in their party’s existences as well. We’re looking at a seismic shift in a few hundred years of British politics here, but they’re so self-absorbed that they can’t see the shit coming.

Re Rudd’s resignation: ‘Amber Rudd’? Who she? ‘Is resigning from government’? Who cares?? :slightly_smiling_face:

Bercow is such a shameless poseur. But then little blokes usually are - it goes with the territory.

What’s the bloody point of a queen if she won’t get involved in a Constitutional crisis ffs? Not that she knows fuck all about politics! :roll_eyes:

Ridiculous. In English law, you cannot make someone do something against their will. If they refuse to do it, simple, sack them. That should never even get to court, but knowing the stupidity of the Remainers, you never know. It would be thrown out.