Brexit Betrayal

Martin Armstrong agrees with us.

A no-deal BREXIT will hurt the EU far more than it will hurt Britain and that is the absolute TRUTH!!!

Who the hell cares? I’m sure I don’t - and I don’t care if the mad Irish go their own way either. Nor the Taffs.

Remember my theory abt May, that this was all part of the plan and she was only doing what she was told???

‘No-Deal’ Brexit in October. I continue to believe this outcome (or something very similar) has been pushed into inevitability by former Prime Minister Theresa May

Agreed - ‘Brexit means Brexit’ but only on your political masters’ terms? What a wanker she was to be so beguiled for 3 years by a bunch of crafty charlatans with their kissing and hugs. How they must have laughed every time she got the plane back here?

I’m still not sure abt BoJo.

He is already in reverse from the opening position that got him elected Tory leader: THE BACKSTOP MUST GO.

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[quote=“Magog, post:1325, topic:337, full:true”]
I’m still not sure abt BoJo.

He is already in reverse from the opening position that got him elected Tory leader: THE BACKSTOP MUST GO[/quote]

I’m not sure either, but at least he’s being assertive, and not supplicating himself like May did every time she abused her carbon footprint in 3 years of travelling to and fro to Brussels for no bloody reason.

I’ve been giving further thought to what we’ve said, and it suddenly occurred to me that Swinson’s a political joke as leader of the Lib Dems, and both main parties have lost all credibility to govern - most recently the HS2 and Grayling’s ferries fiascos that have cost us billions? - that they’ve parachuted Boris in to stop The Brexit Party from winning a general election?

I sincerely hope that is the case and it would fit with my theory that this was all planned.
If we don’t leave in Oct there will be uproar and I think both Labour and Tories will implode. Will we get a GE - not sure but hope so.

Oh we’ll leave alright, and unless I’m much mistaken (and I sure hope I am), it will be with a deal (fuck me, when this nightmare is over I never want to hear the word ‘deal’ ever again LOL) On the other hand though, as I heard a commentator say last night - if we impose hefty import taxes on German cars, there will be rioting on the streets of Germany when Merc, Audi, VW and BMW exports to the UK drop to zero overnight. And they would! That has always been the clincher but May missed if for over 3 years. She must be the worst PM we’ve ever had, and when we think of Cameron, Blair and Brown, that is some achievement? We’re brainwashed into the 2-party system, despite both of them - even in just 2 years - having proved how fucking useless they are, but there’s a new kid on the block, and a Brexit government can’t possibly be more useless than the current bunch of losers.

I still think May was a straw man or stalking horse.
She was never going to be able to get us out, either with or without a deal - her job was to do the groundwork and move public opinion into a place where leaving without a deal was the most likely option.

The woman was never any good at anything - a female Chris Grayling, if you will? lol; She was a useless Home Secretary, and an even more useless PM.

Wow just WOW!

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Have a look on Twitter the snowflakes are going wild :uk:

This is us against ‘them’ and they’re too self-obsessed to realise they’re going to lose. Bring on Nigel Farage, the best prime minister we never had.

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Like this one? Hilarious!

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I heard there are two camps in the UK. The Queen vs the Rothchilds.


And traitor? They can’t bear being out of the limelight, and then have the chutzpah to come back trying to show wisdom which they never showed any sign of having when they were in office. Just like Brown and Blair,