Brexit Betrayal

Because the US recognizes dual nationalities. Not every country does, Magog. Nor does every country hand out benefits to those living abroad.

And we rejected it 3 fucking times.
We have the EU by the balls and they now know it.
They need our money and they will eventually offer us an acceptable deal or the whole EU edifice will collapse - it probly will anyway.

If you think we have them where we want them you’re delusional.

We don’t even know what we want, let alone where we want them.

I would posit that most Brits living abroad don’t need or use benefits, unlike most Europeans who come here.

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17+ million of us know exactly what we want.

Most EU nationals come here to work, most UK nationals go there to retire.

Under current rules, there are recriprocal healthcare benefits that ensures low healthcare insurance costs for those retirees. No deal means that’s scrapped, as well as their European health insurance card which gives them access to emergency care.

If the EU chooses do that it is completely out of our hands and if they did do that it would be unreasonable and damaging to their own citizens because it would be damaging to the local economy in British hot spots throughout Europe which is further reason to leave the EU if you believe they are going Sacrifice their own economy just to kick the UK

Can you show me any benefit for the EU to do this???

And yet when asked you people are all over the fucking place.

What? We’re the ones threatening to do this, not the EU.

All of this is our idea.

We threaten to do it after they threatened us and Anyone with half a brain knows we’re not going to get rid of a reliable work force these are called empty threats

Thanks for answering. Are there no concerns about that causing chaos, or do you think that’s hyped? Or do you welcome chaos?

I personally doubt it will cause chaos big businesses want to earn money the government’s want things to run smoothly is in everyone’s best interest to come to common sense agreements

Thank you. So it’s your opinion that Brexit will happen, but with a negotiated deal? Do you think that a no deal Brexit would bring anticipated and or unforeseen hardship for the U.K.?

Ok, agreements would likely be good. But I was asking about without agreements or a “no deal” Brexit.

If you give me a potential problem and maybe I can give you a common sense answer

It’s like with the Ireland border big businesses in Ireland particularly the beef industry will not just die because we cannot find an agreement with the EU and the United Kingdom/the Republic of Ireland shouldn just ignore the rules/laws which negatively affect business

I honestly don’t know, and am too uninformed on the subject to do so. What scant amount I’ve read about it is from the perspective of US concerns. Here, it seems that the markets are hoping for a mitigated Brexit and have some angst about a no deal Brexit.

Its happening folks,


May I ask what the DUP is?? Thank you.