Brexit Betrayal

How would you handle all the returning UK nationals currently living in the EU, and all the EU nationals currently living in the UK having to leave?

I think the best way to solve it is a soft border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and a hard border between mainland UK and Northern Ireland

Are you sure that a no deal brexit means that we have to kick out every polish person in the UK and that every British person in France and Spain have to come back to the UK??

Simple - make it known throughout the EU that if any member states kick out our expats, weā€™ll kick theirs out. It couldnā€™t be easier.

They would only have to return if the EU kicked them out but donā€™t think they could or would do that, in the same way they donā€™t kick out all the recent Moslem invaders.
Brits live in many countries across the world and if they are there legally donā€™t worry abt being kicked out. Why will it be different after Brexit?

Maybe the same way they do it for Switzerland?

The Malthouse Compromise is based on a free-trade agreement with no tariffs or quotas. A commitment to avoid new infrastructure on the Irish border is supported by proposals for advanced customs and trade facilitation measures of the sort already in use on, for instance, the Swiss border.

I donā€™t particularly GAF about the Irish border; weā€™re England, so itā€™s up to the Irish and Brussels to sort it out for themselves.

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The Irish have made clear they wonā€™t accept any kind of border, and we essentially promised them as much in the GFA.

Moreover, Boris is reliant upon the DUP to for his 1 vote majority. They have him by the balls.

If we leave with no deal, that is essentially how it will work. They will all have to apply for residency or citizenship, and the EU would be under no obligation to hand them out.

Anything else would require leaving with a deal.

So we get a million+ retirees returning home, and lose 3 million workers.

Excellent bargaining chip.

Uh, they live in the EU as EU citizens. They have that right while thye UK is part of the EU. The moment we leave, that right is gone.

Thatā€™s one of the advantages of being an EU citizen. If I want to move to and work in France, there arenā€™t many hoops for me to jump through, and vice versa.

The Swiss are members of the EFTA and most importantly accept freedom of movement. We have made clear we will not accept freedom of movement, so itā€™s a non-starter.

And before we joined the EU a lot lived there as UK citizens, in the same way a lot of Brits live in US doh!

If you have the visas or citizenship, yes.

Of the 750k+ expats living in the EU, very few have that atm as itā€™s completely unnecessary.

In order for them to stay, they will need permission. And they will have to potentially surrender UK citizenship and/or other benefits to do so. Medical benefits will be one of the big ones considering the age of most UK expats living in the EU.


Jesus Christ.

ā€œWeā€™re Englandā€, thatā€™s quite the statement. So much for the UK. I guess we can lop off N.Ireland and Scotland.

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Who says so? Once we leave we can do what we like.
We donā€™t have free movement with any other countries in the world so why do we have to have it with EU?

Yes I understand that the Irish do not want a border between Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland so just have a border between Northern Ireland and mainland UK

Thatā€™s the deal the swiss have. Itā€™s the deal the EU offered us, economic access in exchange for freedom of movement.

If you donā€™t want that, fine. But donā€™t pretend weā€™re going to magic up another deal.

The DUP have made clear they would find that unacceptable, they donā€™t want N.Ireland treated any different from the rest of the UK. And again, they have Boris by the balls.

It would also be completely unworkable. It was floated as a potential solution years back, but they couldnā€™t find a way to make it work even on the theoretical level.

If the EU chooses to cut itā€™s nose off to spite its face thatā€™s their problem we do not need to follow their lead everybody knows that Brits living in the EU are net contributors for the countries that they live in

They donā€™t have to surrender UK citizenship to live in US.
Your whole argument is pure project fear.

Yes, iā€™m sure they can rely on the goodwill of EU countries to protect their statusā€¦


Especially given what Boris is currently signallingā€¦