Brexit Betrayal

[quote]they have been given their position of power because of the skeletons in their closets and are very blackmail-able.

And the Westminster ‘old boys’ club’? If these secret ‘funny hand-shake’ clubs exist outside of SW1A 0AA, you can bet your life they exist inside of it too. Then they have the brass nerve to accuse Putin of being corrupt and dictatorial. Ya couldn’t make it up, as they say!

(you’re smart)

LOL, makes a change from being called a moron. :smile:

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Tell me about it! LOL I haven’t been called a moron, but I’ve been called ‘ignorant’ a few times already.

Brexit: Hammond says PM’s demands ‘wreck’ chance of new deal

Is this multi-millionaire still drawing a parliamentary salary plus expenses plus subsidised bars and restaurants, plus this and plus that? I defy anyone to tell me one thing the man has EVER DONE which can be called ‘a success’. The servants are hell-bent on overriding the will of their paymasters, and it doesn’t get any weirder than that! We ought to call the parasite ‘Cassandra’ Hammond? lol

Whither ‘democracy’ eh? I remember it well! Come the revolution Bruvvers . . . roll out the tumbrels.

Nah! I’ve given up trying to figure why our elected MP’s would try to stop something we voted for.
The only thing that makes sense to me is if all the remainers are being sponsored by big corporations.
I still don’t trust Boris but hope I’m wrong.

I don’t know what kind of influence the US ultimately has over there, but I do know that our Federal Reserve and other interests here are concerned about what negative effect it will have on our economy, our trade with both the UK and EU, etc…

Many MP’s represent constituencies that voted to remain. And it can’t be accurately said that we voted for hard Brexit.

Cameron’s mess rolls on.

You shouldn’t trust Boris. Not sure he’s going to be round long enough to seriously betray you anyway at this point however, elections cometh.

He voted for May’s Deal.
Wants an amnesty for all illegal immigrants.
Wants to scrap the pledge of 10’s of thousands of immigrants with a no cap points system. What does that actually mean ? It could still mean hundreds of thousands ?

Has said wants to control migration and not limit it ? A register of every migrant is a control but doesn’t limit ?

It’s all a bit ambiguous and open to interpretation.

Above all the background agenda is globalisation and as they are all puppets, they just looking for another way to deliver it.


Allow me to enlighten you then - all the while we’re connected to the EU, no matter how tenuous, all the politicians of the member states have somewhere to go and continue leeching from their respective taxpayers when they finish in domestic politics. That’s what it’s all about!!

I said many times on the board I was chucked off - any constituency MP who is a Remainer but represents a Leave constituency should be obliged to resign the seat, then put him/herself up for re-election.

(that looks a bit clumsy but I’ve had a busy morning and don’t have the time to re-word it)[quote=“MoleUK, post:1247, topic:337, full:true”]

Many MP’s represent constituencies that voted to remain. And it can’t be accurately said that we voted for hard Brexit.

Cameron’s mess rolls on.

You shouldn’t trust Boris. Not sure he’s going to be round long enough to seriously betray you anyway at this point however, elections cometh.

Blimey what a mess I made of that one - sorry.

I just put something on Twitter that made me realise - nearly 4 years ago the referendum result was Leave: no complications such as conditions to meet or qualifications to satisfy, just either Leave or Remain - and our political classes couldn’t even carry out a simple thing like that in a competent fashion. God help us if we were in a war situation - they’d still be paralysed with indecision on how to fight it 6 months after the enemy has taken over and settled in.

I read something recently that stated a Uk PM was involved with Epstein’s Lolita express.
It didn’t say who. but my guess would be holy Tony.
I wonder how many UK politicians were/are involved - Boris? May’s husband? Cameron? Major?. Not sure how much I believe this one but it would sure explain a hell of a lot.

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Can you say scaremongering any louder?
Isn’t that what they predicted about Iceland when they told the EU to take a hike?

Are the Brexiteers here good with a no deal Brexit?

I’m for it all the way; then when these Westminster MPs finish here they won’t be able to go on to Brussels, and they’ll have to find a real job of work.


No Deal is the only real deal. Just leave, no ties. We can do deals any time thereafter. It’s my wet dream but I doubt it will happen. The puppets have changed but will they decide to rip up the old script ?

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Compromise then control. The list will be as long as your arm is my bet.

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I am perfectly happy with a no deal

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Uh, Iceland was never part of the EU. They remain a part of the EEA and EFTA, and therefore have access to EU markets.

Ok, how do you fix the Irish border problem? Just violate the good friday agreement and put up a hard border?