Brexit Betrayal

Communist in modern day Britain have a new uniform they are now called social justice warriors and they are radicalised wilst being subsidised by the taxpayer though university loans

Told ya I don’t trust Boris.

If he reneges on what he’s said about the exit date, not only will he be finished, the entire Conservative party will be, and for decades to come too. Actually the upside would be the election of a Brexit Party government - that’d suit me fine, with prime minister Farage in No 10.

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I’ve just read that our Liberal Democrats (female leader) won a by-election y’day, and the Brexit Party came a poor 4th to them, the Tories, and Labour - all proven losers. But then they do say that a society gets the government it deserves. I despair of what my country has become, I really do. Give 'em their footie and Love Island and they’re deliriously happy.

Mostly his long and storied history of associating with anti-semites, anti-semitic groups and engaging in apologetics for both.

If he’s not an anti-semite, he may as well be one at that point.

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Christ that article is dumb.

It’s not complicated, the UK makes up a small amount of the total EU market. Germany for example would be hit harder than most, and only 6.6% of it’s exports go to the UK.

Whereas EU trade makes up almost half of UK imports and exports.

So us trying to “threaten” the EU with a hard-brexit is somewhat retarded. Yes, it will hurt them (in particular Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands) a bit. But nowhere near as badly as it will hurt us.

I’d like to know what Carney’s agenda is? He’s been at the forefront of Project Fear bullshit right from the beginning, and even though he’s been wrong every time he still keeps flogging it??

I would posit that it is actually extremely complicated for a number of reasons, including the unintended consequences that will accrue when we leave.
For instance, the main reason they want us to stay is bc they know we will be the first(of many) dominoes to fall.
It’s interesting that you focus on trade with Germany and whilst that is important to both of us it is not their primary concern.
Lets look at the other issues listed.
Reason 1: Corporate Taxes

The UK can and likely will slash corporate tax rates. Rhe impact of that would be huge.
Reason 2: Currency Fluctuations
A falling currency is good for exporters and bad for importers. The British Pound has been falling in anticipation of Brexit. And don’t forget that all members will eventually have to adopt the Euro at some stage.
Reason 3: Balance of Trade
In the event of no deal, WTO tariffs kick in
In a rising tariff setup, exporters will suffer far more than importers. Germany has an enormous trade surplus with the UK.[
Reason 4: Fishing Rights
In Brexit, the UK halts all EU fishing rights. EU fishermen will get clobbered.
Reason 5: Trade Deals
The UK will be able to make its own trade deals and set tariffs how it pleases. This also is likely to have huge consequences.
Reason 6: Rules and Regulations
The UK will finally be free of inane EU rules and regulations on basically everything but especially agriculture.
Reason 7: Brexit Fees and Pay to Play Fee
Some dispute this, but the UK can halt the Brexit breakup fee. Boris Johnson has threatened to do that. Regardless, the UK will stop paying into the EU coffers even it does pay the breakup bill. The EU has budgeted for UK payments. When the UK stops paying, the EU will have to raise taxes to cover the difference.
Reason 8: Long Term Consequences
Both the EU and UK will suffer in the event of no deal but the long-term consequences strongly favor of the UK. And there are likely many unintended consequences we aren’t aware of yet.

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Carney is part of the deep state and ex Goldman - his agenda is NWO and that means one world govt, one currency and the end of nation states.

That would explain why Europe is being homogenized - to dilute our various cultures out of existence. And the banner-carrying ‘All refugees are welcome here’ idiots, in their breath-taking stupidity/naivete/gullibility (call it what you will) are speeding it on its way. But hey, Que sera sera?

The last 3 (utterly wasted?) years has been all about brinkmanship and bluff-calling, but May was so in awe of the flattery, being the centre of attention and otherwise feted that she failed to perceive it. Thank goodness Johnson can, and that’s why they’re so embittered - So near, yet so far?? I predict that after a short while of adjustment, it will all revert to more or less the status quo ante, and that will be the ignominious end of Project Fear and the agenda-driven siren voices. Including Hammond and Carney!

One of the laws of unintended consequences? from Brexit central today

Arguably the most significant announcement since our bulletin last Thursday came on Friday when International Trade Secretary Liz Truss visited Teesside to confirm that after Brexit the Government will create up to ten Freeports which will give new freedoms for a number of ports or airports to create new hubs for business and enterprise for both the manufacturing and services trade. Such opportunities would not be available if the UK were to remain in the EU’s Customs Union.

Do you think that another unintended consequence might be that Germany, bc it’s imports to UK will be more expensive, might start building more cars in Britain? with the attendant benefits to GDP and jobs.

No, the German car industry has already stated that a hard Brexit will result in their pulling manufacturing jobs out of the UK due to increased costs.

Those car parts are often brought in from the EU, so WTO rules would squeeze out much of the profit.

Project fear?..


The Marxists are really getting desperate.

These fevered Remainer MPs, like Soubry and Hammond and Grieve . . . I’d really love to know what’s in it for them. It sure isn’t altruism that motivates them I’ll bet??

I think @Magog might have an answer for that.

It is obvious that libs make their decisions based on emotions. Perhaps some of them really do believe all that caring, sharing narrative but are too short sighted and stupid to see the picture longer term.

I guess for a good few - more than you think probably - they have been given their position of power because of the skeletons in their closets and are very blackmail-able.