Brexit Betrayal

No deal - no £39b - I think we will either get a ‘‘deal’’ (or not) but we WILL leave on 31st Oct- I think LOL.

He has become deluded and unhinged. Simple people can’t come to terms with losing the power they once had, and it does something to their brain which makes them crave attention, no matter how idiotic it makes them appear.

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Yep, despite three years of Project Fear, the losers know the game is up, and they’re scuttling off to the back benches to carry on leeching off the taxpayers before Boris sacks them . . . something May should have done 3 years ago. Now we wait to see if the arch traitor Hammond can ‘bring down the government’. My guess is he won’t - he won’t have the nerve. But the important thing is that May has gone from High Office, and not a moment too soon! I can’t think of one thing which either of them has done which can be considered a success of policy, not one thing!!

If there’s even a whiff of jiggery-pokery from now on to frustrate the will of 17.4 million Brits by the remaining traitors in parliament, the Tories, Labour, and the Liberal Democrats will be history, and the door wide open for a Brexit Party government led by Nigel Farage.

Yep anything things to be possible in politics today.
Farage would just follow the theme of Trump, Macron etc so hopefully the current parliamentarians who have to vote on leaving, get this message and do the right thing:crossed_fingers:

Parliamentarians ‘doing the right thing’? I wouldn’t bet on it! :grimacing:

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He’d have to win a single seat in parliament first. Then a majority.

Not had a great track record so far.

If there were to be any chicanery, that 17.4 of the Leave demographic would be so enraged they’d take to the streets in a popular uprising and trust me, there would be a Brexit Party government.

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I’m still not sure abt Boris.

Juncker in the bunker - Love it LOL!

I thought Juncker had been replaced in the recent EU election? Perhaps he won’t go without a fight - and who could blame him? lol

:laughing:. Hope you’re not suggesting there’d be a violent revolution by leavers, if so you’d be dissappointed on several fronts. The communists have been waiting quite a while for that “peoples revolution” to happen.

Ultimately, Parliament is Supreme. It’s not just a catchphrase, it’s how our Govt works and has worked for over three hundred years.

As of today, the Brexit party has zero MP’s in Parliament. They better get to work if they want to win a majority of seats.

‘communists’? What are communists? Oh yes, I remember; they were potent in the 40s and 50s weren’t they. Not anymore though. I wouldn’t underestimate the Brexit Party either, if I were you - if that 17.4 million of us spoke they could easily become the government.

Right, which is why UKIP won so many seats in the last election…


By all means, vote. But if you don’t win a majorty of seats in Parliament, you don’t really have a leg to stand on if Parliament decides we’re not leaving the EU with no deal.

The only thing that could possibly over-rule them at that point would be the EU, who wouldn’t want to, or the monarchy, which would create an instant constituional crisis and who also wouldn’t want to.

Do you seriously believe Corbyn will be in Number 10 if the Tories lose the upcoming general election? He couldn’t run a bloody whelk stall never mind a country. Oh and UKIP was sabotaged by those 2 Toriy rich boys (I can’t remember their names and I’m too short of time to look them up),

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I don’t particularly want an anti-semite (or close enough) in No 10. I could see another coalition Govt happening though.

UKIP weren’t sabotaged, they couldn’t win a single seat in Parliament. Not even Farage. Why would the Brexit party be any different?

But lets say Boris calls an election and wins a slim majority. Does that mean his majority will vote for a no deal Brexit? Not necessarily.

The whole thing is a mess. But we knew it would be, as much as Farage et al insisted it would all be simple and easy.

It’s the hardest thing we’ve ever tried to do, and we only have ourselves to blame for being completely fucking unprepared for it, and having completely unreasonable expectations as to what the EU would/should be willing to give us.

It was a simple referendum with a simple result, but May made it into an unmitigated fiasco because her head was turned by the powerful men in Brussels. Farage would have told them to GAF themselves and we’d have been out a fortnight after A50 was invoked.

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Sure, it was all May’s fault. Now watch what happens :laughing:. Wonder who you’ll blame next.

Parliament has spent 3 years arguing over this shit precisely because the neither the result nor the process was simple.

The referendum result didn’t make clear if people wanted a hard or soft Brexit, or if either of those options would have actually won a majority if they were on the ballot.

So those in favor of a soft or hard argue with eachother over who best represents the vote, and those in favor of remain argue that neither would have won the vote on their own merits.

This isn’t May’s fault, or the EU’s, nor will it be Boris’ when he fails to deliver the impossible. It’s Cameron’s.

And if you believe we’d ever have been out in a fornight, you’ve swallowed quite a few porkies mate.

Noted, but I’ve learned the hard way to never post in haste.

Could elaborate why you think Corbyn is anti semitic?