Brexit Betrayal

Damage control.

They should have won this seat, it would have proven their viability and been a massive PR boost.

It might push the tories into embracing a hard Brexit to win more seats though. But they’re unlikely to follow through on that still, imo.

Any attempt to push a hard Brexit will result in a vote of no confidence.

The breakdown was…
The full breakdown of the vote was as follows:

  • LAB: 30.9% (-17.2)
  • BREX: 28.9% (+28.9)
  • CON: 21.4% (-25.5)
  • LDEM: 12.3% (+8.9)
  • GRN: 3.1% (+1.3)

So if the Brexitory party had been standing they would have won with 60% of the vote LOL

Steve Baker isn’t running but supports Boris.

Muslim vote rigger eh?

Hmmm He better get us out now.

What this libtard rag is missing is how many more top people Boris’ policy would attract; people who would otherwise go elsewhere and who will bring in with them further jobs and investment. It is so shortsighted to say it will cost £9 billion. I would like to see Boris cut corporation tax too which is currently at 19%. Drop it to 15%, then 12%!

Edit: Corporation tax will be cut to 17% for the 2020/21 tax year.

Attempt by Remainers to block no deal failed and Boris wins first round by a landslide. Second round is next Tuesday, then the top two will go to the members. Boris is by far the favourite with Conservative party members, including me!

According to the rules agreed by the 1922 Committee and the Conservative Party Board, candidates who receive 16 votes or fewer are eliminated. The rest will go through to the second round.


From Brexit Central this morning.

‘‘Conservative Party donors have opened secret talks with Nigel Farage about an electoral pact which would see the party not stand candidates against the Brexit Party in dozens of seats at a snap general election. Speculation is growing that the next Tory leader will have to call a snap election to bring in new MPs who will agree to take the UK out of the European Union by the end of October.’’

Think I might be saying ‘‘I told you so’’ soon LOL

And as a ConservativeHome survey suggests half of Tory members want an electoral pact with the Brexit Party ( , Nigel Farage’s new outfit will start unveiling candidates and policies at a big rally in Birmingham tomorrow.


Must prove them wrong!

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See we’ve sent someone with a spine to Brussels at last

''The Brexit secretary told Michel Barnier five times during a bad-tempered meeting that the withdrawal agreement was dead. Stephen Barclay left Mr Barnier, the EU’s lead negotiator, astonished and dismayed in a “confrontational” exchange last Tuesday. “He told Barnier that the withdrawal agreement was dead — not once but five times,” a senior EU diplomat said. “If this is what is coming then we will be heading for no deal very quickly.”

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I believe Gina Miller is waiting in the wings with her legal team to take action against Boris should he become the next PM.

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If she carries this through Stu I wonder if the man / woman on the street will allow her to get away with it so quietly.
I am sure a few thousand campaigners outside her door day and night might make her realise perhaps it is not acceptable to fight against the PM and the millions of people the PM acts for under the UK’s democratic system :thinking:

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:+1:It’s a nice thought Rob.

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The “man on the street” doesn’t make law. Parliament does.

Neither is the PM a King. Parliament can pass a vote of no confidence in any PM’s Government at any point.

I am certainly not questioning whether “Parliament can pass a vote of no confidence in any PM’s Government at any point” Nor whether the PM is a King

The title of the news report is “Gina Miller vs The People – again”

Brussels don’t give a damn about the laws passed in London.
Brussels can ignore and override any law from London (if the UK remains in the EU fantasy land).


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Bojo is now “the doooooooooooode”

New Prime Minister Boris Johnson anoints himself ‘The Dude’ to ‘deliver Brexit, unite the country, defeat Corbyn and energise’ as he thumps Hunt

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