Brexit Betrayal

I think you know why! No need for me to point out your obvious double standard!

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Crash and burn. Peterborough was a leave constituency with a disgraced MP being given the boot, who won her previous election by a razor thin margin.

About the best situation that Farage could hope for, and it still wasn’t enough.

While the Brexit party would definitely win some seats in a general election, Farage has a pretty abysmal record when it comes to parliamentary elections.

Yes that was disappointing. Peterborough has been neck and neck with the Tories and Labour historically, so I guess it could be a reflection of more disgruntled Tory voters than disgruntled Labour voters.

You dished the insult so the onus is on you to explain it. It is just another in a long line of insults from you, so water off a duck’s back to me. You’re the one having the deranged temper tantrum.

Uh no and stop playing dumb with your BS reverse projection! You know exactly what I am talking about! Not surprising coming from a person who simply can’t be honest with themselves so you have to deflect with more made up nonsense to pad your self denial! Nice! I stand by what I said you are a fucking hypocrite who can’t practice what they preach! You are just mad because I won’t kiss your ass like the rest do in your shithole!

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I have no idea what you are ranting on about.

What do I preach? I have no idea!

Really? I think you are the deranged one here.

Thank goodness for that. I don’t want you to kiss any part of my anatomy.

You have managed to insult a lot of people there in one sentence. Well done!

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Whatever Jen! Defecting again!

I didn’t expect an honest response for which makes you a pathetic person who hides behind false innuendos and I am speaking the truth!

No matter what you say, your voodoo is you!

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What did I say? Why are you so upset? :astonished: I don’t play guessing games.

No matter what, your VOODOO is you!

:thinking: :roll_eyes:

The thing with Peterborough is it has a very large European population at this point in time because of all of the factory jobs Wisbech in particular is Eastern European area maybe a lot of these people are now entitled to vote because they’ve been over in the UK for so long I could be wrong that’s just a theory also there’s a large working class white community there many of them still vote Labour religiously

I honestly thought I was posting in TRH when I mentioned to Jen about Verv and dr Manhattan going after Magog. The slight derailment is my mistake.

Well it’s seems about right since the Hen cackling Jen decided to ban me from the RH for no apparent reason other than the simple reason she didn’t like it that I agreed with Ricktheboss’s comments! Talk about emotional warfare she takes the cake in that category not to mention is a hypocrite when it comes to her free speech advocacy! The irony is a rich one!

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No, this is why. You called us “dickheads” and “retarded people.” Not that it should bother you as you don’t post in there anyway, so I don’t know why you are getting so worked up about. You have your old bum chum now, so you should be sweet.

As for free speech, you have it here. What’s your gripe? You’re just not welcome to the party where you insult the guests. What’s wrong with that?


You are absolutely right - I do have an agenda but I don’t think I have ever tried to hide it(unlike your Hasbara mates) and everyone here knows exactly where I stand. No you attack me bc you want to shut me down same way you tried in TRH Good luck with that but if you follow my posts you will see that they are ALWAYS on topic and I try to avoid profane language(also unlike your Hasbara mates)

Don’t know where you get that idea unless you are referring to Boudicca - I just renamed her Magog after Patriot closed the old site down. So no there is only ONE of me but that is more than enough to trigger you Hasbara trolls.

Yep and EVERYTHING on here is opinion.



If the Brexit party could not capitalize on their EU elections success in this by election then there is no chance of them being in a position to be part of a coalition government which Brexit party supporters are hoping for.

This is part of the Brexit party members’ mailing today:

The Peterborough by-election was a remarkable result for the Brexit Party.

Our party is just eight weeks old. We had only two weeks to campaign after our tremendous victory in the European elections. Yet we came within 683 votes of unseating the Labour Party and we beat the Tories into third.

Peterborough was 201st on the Brexit Party’s list of potentially winnable Westminster seats. If we can come so close there, then no Labour or Tory seat is safe any longer.

We have scared the life out of the establishment parties. The latest YouGov poll already puts us in the lead nationally, six points ahead of the rest.

It does look like there were more disgruntled Tory voters.


Remember I mentioned the Brexitory party first:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The expectation was that they were going to win the seat. They needed this win to keep the momentum going from the European elections.

Much will depend on who the new Conservative leader is and if they can deliver on Brexit.

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It voted 60% to leave the EU. Their labour MP won by a couple hundred votes, and she got booted for being a criminal.

There’s not really a good way to spin it. If the Brexit party can’t win that sort of competition, they’re pretty screwed nationally.

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