Brexit Betrayal

Yep, so would anyone else who wants a proper Brexit.

And Juncker wants his own private jet!

An interesting Tidbit from my email this morning.

In 2016, James Delingpole commented that toffs hate Brexit because it’s the Peasants’ Revolt.

Did you know that the Peasants Revolt was started by a man named Baker

Wonder if history will repeat again???

'This would cost the European taxpayer a million euro per Commissioner, for relocation, staff and the lifelong pension which every Commissioner gets, no matter how long he or she has been in office,

LOL, seems they are prepared for the good life.

That’s funny…:blush:

I just watched PM May in the presser with Trump state that she supports Brexit and the UK leaving the EU, did her best to make it happen and that the liberals basically block it.

Get him a tent. Then he can negotiate in style with all the nomadic Arabs that have entered Europe.


Steve Baker, who is publishing a document of his own today, A Clean Managed Brexit. Subtitled “a proposed Government policy for UK withdrawal from the EU following the rejection of the Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration on the Future Relationship with the EU”, Steve sets out the policy that he believes the next Prime Minister needs to pursue and the paper has been endorsed by sixteen senior pro-Brexit parliamentarians, including declared supporters in the
Tory leadership election of both Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab - as well as many who are yet to make up their mind.

Who’s next? Cherie Blair?

Keep watching tomorrow, the Peterborough by-election.

Your old friend Verv supports Steve Baker for PM too and he’s pissed off you agree with him. :joy::rofl::joy:


How do you know that - didn’t verv get a 1000 yr ban?

I have Verv’s email. Ban may be lifted. He needs to try it, so he may be back.

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Strange how the two, Verv and dr Manhattan both rabidly and viciously attack Magog, for his expressions of free speech, at every turn yet you favor one but you don’t favor the other. What gives? One inquiring mind wants to know. :eyes:

Clue: nothing to do with Magog.

Edit: Verv and Magog are like Tom and Jerry. It is a love hate thing, also very British. Verv misses Magog and Magog certainly does not agree with Verv’s ban. They disagree but there is no real animosity.


The evil witch has changed her mind at the last minute and will only resign if a Remainer takes over! Let’s see what happens tomorrow!

Jen is a fucking hypocrite! And I don’t Attack Magog’s free speech, I Attack him because he has an agenda that is always about one subject matter and that is not about having discussions but trying to tell the rest of us what is the truth! It’s always a one way street with that loser! Not to mention he is here on this site posting under multiple pseudonyms! Just so I am clear about that!

Opinions are like what now? Truth and reality are subjective and anybody who tries to define that for anybody else is essentially full of shit!

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Could you kindly explain why?