Brexit Betrayal


Steven Baker is deputy chair of ERG - he knows abt it.
Maybe it’s his ace in the hole?

Let’s see Mag. All the flow charts in the world said 29th March deal/no deal but it appears “they” (higher forces than the MP’s who turn up at the theater) can keep extending at will, while the M.P.'s are working very hard on an orderly Brexit, whatever the F**** an orderly Brexit is supposed to mean but it’s been sold to the plebs so it’s done it’s job.

I have no doubt that the case is watertight. But trust in the legal system to deliver justice and uphold the law? Hmm. Like Tommy Robinson’s case eh?

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‘‘If the Conservatives wish to remain in power in Parliament, they will have to leave the European Union and, if necessary, crash out without a divorce settlement with Brussels.’’

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Jen I defo hear what you are saying but if the profile was raised for this case with what they would deem educated onlookers, I think they would have to tread very carefully. They have got as far as they have got with Tommy because the grunts don’t matter and as long as the MSM keep pushing the usual shite about “Far Right” they will continue to get away with it until they don’t. (Revolution). However if high profile MP’s got behind it and Tommy for that matter, they would think twice about trying to pull the wool. This is what makes me think it’s all a game. Lights, camera action and everyone plays their part, some unwittingly and a few with full knowledge of the outcome.

I think for it to end we will probably need to beat it to a pulp…literally !

We could get Jeremy *unt. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t think it matters one way or the other.
As things currently stand ithe default legal position is that we leave on 31st Oct with or without a deal, EU are saying they won’t renegotiate so chances are that we leave with no deal on 31st.
There are only 2 ways it can be stopped.

  1. Revoke or extend article 50 - can’t see a Tory PM trying that after EU elections.
  2. An Act of parliament - Can’t see that happening either - for same reasons

Picked up from Peston last night
Watch it here

First past the post; Brexit Party would have had 414 seats.

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Boo! Hiss! :rage:

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The default position used to be 29th March deal or no deal, then April 12th. The goal posts move easier than a baby’s bowel.

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:joy: And the government are full of what comes out of a baby’s bowel.


The goalposts moved again with EU elections - no Tory PM would now dare to delay after Oct.

Aha! Similar to Hillary’s “basket of deplorable”.

Many politicians think that does who do jot agree with them are blockheads!

Michael backstabbing Gove? :roll_eyes:

Please tell me it ain’t so.