Brexit Betrayal

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I am sick of Scotland. If they want to go, just go. They can apply to join the EU on their own, only the EU won’t have them as they can’t meet the economic conditions. So Scotland and Jimmy Krankie want to drag us down with them. They want their independence because they hate us so much, but need our money and us to keep them in the EU.

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Not knowing Great Britain all that well, I supposed that you’d just take the recalcitrance of the remainers lying down and let the Brexit vote be overturned. Boy, was I wrong. I’m very impressed.

That makes for a compelling map (Jen’s blue map).

It certainly does not look like a bunch of regret about the original Brexit vote.

That’s because you listened to the media that we have become a nation of limp wristed pushovers. :wink:

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And if its between Baker and Hammond who will you vote for?

To me, that applies only to your PM and some MPs!

No chance Hammond! The Tories would be committing suicide if he gets to the final two, not that he is standing anyway. He will be chucked out with May. There are more Brexiteers than Remainers standing. I think the final two could be Boris and Raab.

The problem we have is our elected MPs do not represent the people, so as you say, we have to drain the swamp. :wink: The Tory party has been infiltrated by Lib Dems. The departure of Anna Soubry, Heidi Allen and some other libtard was a good thing for the party but not for their constituencies. They quit before they were pushed, so they still retain their seats under a different party or as an independent. I don’t agree with that, there should have been by-elections. There were votes of no confidence going on locally - in one constituency the (remainer) MP lost the vote and was ousted. It was happening.

We have the same problem. Our ‘representatives’ parrot the party leaders. Damn what their constituents want! Follow the leader! Promote the party line!

Don’t think Boris will get it. He is too closely associated with the swamp. And don’t forget he actually voted for May’s deal. So did Raab btw

Boris voted for May’s deal because she promised to resign if they did, with the intention of unravelling it at a later date after May had gone.

With the entire media and the political elite on the “stop Boris” campaign, the EU crapping themselves should he be PM and the one whom Trump would choose, is that not enough to tell you he is the right person for the job?

Sorry Jen - nope - I would prefer someone who has the gonads to stick with their principles.

Then by your high standards that is the entire Tory party out. So the only way to resolve that would be a general election. We could get Nigel which would be fantastic, but equally we could end up with Corbyn. I would rather the Tories deliver Brexit and I think Boris would be the best person to do that.

@Exodus, your favourite ex PM just won’t go away! :joy:

Not quite all, Jen - JRM, Baker,Andrea and Esther are ok LOL

I can’t believe that he believes anyone is stupid enough to actually take any notice of what he says anymore.

JRM, Andrea Leadsom and Esther McVey all voted for May’s deal.

Again in the reports opening bullet point “He told Sky”

I said this in the RH, the news companies here in the U.K. and I presume across Europe are dragging people on to somehow bias the actual result we all see, with what they want us to believe.
The Brexit party destroys all the other party’s and yet the people invited on to comment on the News channels are trying to tell us “the viewer” it is not what we are witnessing.
What Bullshit. !!!

And I for one switch the channel over if this cretin is even in shot.


I can’t watch the BBC or Sky and avoid them like the plague! I know they will only wind me up.

Now what is this if it is not mental illness? We seem to have an awful lot of mentally ill these days. CUK party - like it :joy:.

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