Brexit Betrayal

Wait for Sunday night!


The BRITS react to Theresa May's SWAMPY resignation... 🤣#MayDay #MayExit #MayResigns

— Kal ©️ (@RightWingLawMan) May 24, 2019

When May compares herself to Thatcher is makes my blood boil.

Good riddance.


My idea of feminism was always Thatcher followed by Ann Widdecombe. Where did I go wrong? :rofl:

Why is May holding out till 7th June and not going now? To meet Trump? Nah. So she won’t hold the record for the shortest serving Prime Minister. That will remain with Gordon Brown whom she will beat by one week.

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Those aren’t fans. Those are fanatics!

In the 2016 referendum, we “didn’t know what we were voting for.” We were thick and uneducated. The referendum didn’t provide for “no deal” or “deal” option. (Although Cameron and government propaganda made it clear that leaving meant out of the single market and out of the customs union.)

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Mornin Jen

We are now in a position where a no-deal Brexit is not only possible, but acceptable to to the majority of voters.
This is not an accident - it was planned all along - May has played a blinder and leaving without a deal is now almost inevitable.

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Good morning :wink:

What, bank on Nigel to come along to give them a drubbing? That was planned? Nope, parliament full of Remainers and along with May conspired to keep us tied into the EU. May has only been true to form; she was a useless Home Secretary and an even more useless PM.

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Deeply sceptical about Nigel. I must admit I don’t know the full picture, I’d like to think the “Brexit Party” is the answer but I have a hunch they were brought on board to destroy UKIP who along with the likes of TR and Anne Marie Waters were the only people with the NADS to stand and talk about the elephant in the room.

First things first. Let’s get Brexit done and dusted then we can address the Muslim issue. Nigel will force the Tories to deliver Brexit properly.

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We will see is all I can say but I think it’s more theater.
The legal case is reliant on financial support which is a disgrace in itself as it is about constitutional integrity but you would think Nigel and genuine Brexit people would support that as the most legitimate point to hang a hat on.

I just don’t believe even May could be that stupid to try something 3 times, lose every time and then propose doing it again. Isn’t that the definition of madness. May isn’t mad - she was only following orders.
Forget Nigel - he’s only window dressing for Joe public.
Look behind the scenes - Brexit has a lot of money behind it - and it isn’t Russian money, as suggested, disgracefully by Alistair Campbell yesterday.
Taking a party from zero to hero in 6 weeks took a LOT of organisation and money. The Tories are a tainted brand now - they need to re-invent themselves - the only way they can do that is by picking up the Brexit mantle. This is something they always wanted to do, but couldn’t UNTIL TODAY.
Thats where the Brexit party comes in - I think a lot of serious business ppl are members of Brexit party - Ann Widdecombe and JRM’s sister are also in - clear links there btween the Tories and Brexit party
Maybe a new coalition btwn Brexit and Tories called the Brexitory party LOL.
Thats JMHO and I could be completely wrong but who knows.
Also don’t forget Nigel’s ONLY motivation is to get us out - he doesn’t want to stay in politics.

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I really have a problem with how the seats are allocated. Out of a possible 73 seats, they only got 29, although they stormed it in nearly every region. It is neither first past the post or proportional representation; instead there is some ridiculous smoothing method.

For clarification and for non Brits, I will try to explain. In a region, the party with the most votes gets the first seat. Their votes are halved. The next party with the most votes gets the next seat, their votes are halved, and that goes on until the seats are gone. The problem is, say Brexit party had 600,000 votes and Lib Dems 300,001, Labour 150,001. Brexit will get the first, Lib Dems the second, Brexit third and Labour fourth. So although Brexit have more votes than Lib Dems and Labour put together, they have the same number of seats as the two remain parties.

Sounds like suppository. :hushed:


Doesn’t matter. The final two will go to the members’ vote and if one of them is Boris, Boris will win. I will vote for Boris.