Brexit Betrayal


who do you think is in the running to replace PM.May?

Yes. She has been trying to get Labour on side to vote her (stitch up) deal through again. Labour made it clear a second referendum was a pre-requisite before they will talk. So she opens the possibility of a second referendum, leaving her own party in shock. The Cabinet held a mutiny and she was basically forced to resign.

She never had any intention of delivering Brexit. She lied and lied, went against everything she promised in the manifesto and did everything possible to tie us in. She was Merkelā€™s bitch. There is a lot of anger in the country. Wait for the European election results when they are announced on Sunday night to just see how much.


Boris is the favourite by far. He will get my vote (I am a Conservative party member and the final two candidates go to a membersā€™ vote.) He is the only one who can decisively deliver Brexit and has the experience to give it to the EU what they deserve. He does not give a hoot who he offends and boy, does he offend a lot of libs! It would be hilarious. He gets on well with Trump. I think Trump would choose Boris too.

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I understand that Trump has requested Nigel Farage be on the dinner guest list next month. I wonder if theyā€™ll be serving milkshakes.

Yep and you know Queenie has snubbed Sickdick Khan. The infantile libs will be getting the baby Trump balloon out again. I wonder if there will also be Sadiq with the pig.

Is Farage good for Britain?

Absolutely. Without him we would never have had the referendum and now because of him, it looks like the Tories pulled their finger out (got rid of May) and will deliver Brexit properly. They know if they donā€™t they are finished.

Ive seen a few videos on him, he is a character.
and the fact he offends libs makes me like him even more. ha.

I read up on him, he was born in NYC, so he can still run for the leadership and be Prime minister?

I know in America one has to be born here to run for the office of the presidency or vice presidency

Yes, he is a British citizen.

Boris will love this

EU Head Juncker Says People Who Love Their Country Are ā€œStupidā€

Read more: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!

This was Borisā€™ winning entry for The Spectatorā€™s President Erdoganā€™s offensive poetry competition:

There was a young fellow from Ankara
Who was a terrific wankerer
Till he sowed his wild oats
With the help of a goat
But he didnā€™t even stop to thankera.

I guess in his capacity as PM he would have to meet President Erdogan.

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the Farage, he is another one I like, man I like hear him live, Ive seen youtube videos of him, man is he a no bullshit type of guy

Iā€™ve liked every video Iā€™ve seen of him commenting on politics.

He expresses my sentiments quite well! :grin:

I think the Brits have the better politicians , minus Theresa May and Corbin

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Its maybe a bit early but I think I might be saying I told you so, soon maybe Oct.

In Greece, 4 years ago, the clear majority of the people voted in a referendum to not go with Merkelā€™s plan of making Greece a protectorate, vassal state of Germany and the traitor PM Tsipras, (first time communist government), turned the peopleā€™s loud NO to a filthy YES. Clear betrayal so Greece will be in debt to the German banks till 2060.
Treason May didnā€™t managed to enslave GB so hurray for the independence of the UK people!

P.S. Be on guard though cause the Euro-banksters are deceitful swamp creatures and will try again to steal UKā€™s independence by hook or by crook.

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My opinion is that Britain should be able to tell the EU to screw themselves, break off and begin trade agreements with anyone they so choose.

What is it that made May think the Brits should make a deal with the EU that effectively made Britain forever tied to the EU?

Why should the EU demand a single pound for Britainā€™s exit?

Ok I will, thanks for the education.

Boris for PM and JRM for Chancellor. :wink: Boris will work with Trump. EU are screwed.

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Steve Baker is the dark horse and my money is on him as PM
JRM in the cabinet maybe foreign sec. Not sure who will be chancellor.