Brexit Betrayal

The barbs I throw across the pond are more like smooth knitting needles than sharpened fish hooks! :joy:

I love British titties too! boobies


I was not referring to you or any of the other Yanks with whom I have had meaningful conversations. From what I recall, you have been nothing but respectful, even in digs :smile:

You may be right. Scotland has been a bit quiet of late, but make no bones about it, Jimmy Crankie is not giving up. They can f-off if that is what they want. See what happens when North Sea oil runs out. Not that it is theirs anyway.

They are mostly real. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm I am beginning to think I was wrong about the Brexit Party.

Nothing beats a really nice pair!


Every time I’ve taken one of those “are these real or fake” visual tests, I’ve scored 100% correct answers! I am a connoisseur!



Listen carefully. May isn’t going. She will only go if she gets her deal through i.e. stitch us up or if she can revoke article 50.

Thats the govt commiting suicide not the Tories.
Some Tories probly think the only way they can survive is with a general election which they would fight on a Brexit platform with a new leader.
The Tories only loyalty is to the Tories and they will bring the govt down if they need to.

May is safe for the Time being thanks to beating the no confidence vote at the end of last year.

However her own MPs could decide not to serve in her cabinet. Without ministers her government would be paralyzed.

Lesser known Backbench MPs who might be tempted to serve as it probably is their only real opportunity to be a cabinet minister could be dissuaded as their long term political career would be at risk.

Hammond says Boris doesn’t have a mandate for no deal. :roll_eyes: I think he’s forgotten about the 17.4 mil.

An old adage says that when politicians start denying something - you know it must be true.
D’ya think we may be getting closer and closer to leaving with no deal?

''The reaction of eurosceptic Tory backbenchers to the proposals I picked up in Westminster late yesterday afternoon was variously a sense of incredulity, anger, despondency and betrayal. ‘’

And I am sticking with my theory - It was all planned this way and as things currently stand we will leave in October with no deal.
The reason I think I’m right is bc politicians are cowardly, spineless bastards and can’t/won’t take unpopular decisions.
Leaving without a deal will upset a lot of ppl but most Tories want to leave and they don’t want to upset anybody.
So the only way they can leave without a deal is to run the clock down and then deny any culpability and blame the other side.

We could have left on 29th March as per Article 50. May had plenty to say she “tried.” No, truth is she is a deceitful, evil witch and she is determined to obey her EU masters in keeping us tied in. Maybe she or her husband is being blackmailed, who knows. Definitely something big and personal is at stake for that level of determination.

As far as I am concerned, the whole Conservative party are in it together. Firstly, they installed May as PM, a staunch remainer, then they had at least two opportunities to get rid of her and blew them. It’s too late now. I hear there is a Cabinet mutiny going on today and they really want her gone. Well whatever.

As far as JRM and Boris are concerned, I had a lot of time for them, but why did they not jump a sinking ship, if their intentions were out of line with the direction of the Tory party? Boris wants to be PM, so putting his own ambitions first. Perhaps he wants confirmation of the wind direction. Like Nigel said, could we trust Boris? He likened May’s deal to a polished turd, then voted for it.

Lots of middle age women with big boobs wearing blouses one size too small.

It’s now summer. I suggest you don’t look any lower down.

“Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith joked that Mrs May had barricaded herself into No10. ‘The sofa is up against the door, she’s not leaving,’ he told reporters.”

Is it happening? Will she last the week? I think she will have to be dragged out kicking and screaming.

I believe May is on a suicide mission now. She knows she’s finished but she wants to take down the Tory party with her, hence she made the blatant promise of offering a second referendum, contrary to her previous promises. Doing it a couple of days before the European elections would sure to hammer in the final nail.

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So finally…

Wow!!! Is her resignation directly tied to Brexit???

What’s the consensus, do Brits believe she actually gave it her best, three times, or that she really didn’t want it to be?

:tired_face: :sob: :crazy_face:

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