Brexit Betrayal

Some words of clarification, …oops …Jen posted this already :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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The BBC’s latest Brexit documentary shows the contempt in which the EU negotiators hold us

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I would sign, but I’m a Yank! Thanks anyway!

I totally support the Brexit movement. I favor Brexit without any sort of deal.


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Shouldn’t be a problem. You only need an email. :grinning: Apparently Jimmy Saville signed the cancel Brexit petition 500 times.

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Done! :rofl:


:+1: signed…



‘…when people were asked how they intended to vote on 23rd May, with Labour slipping to 21% and the Conservatives collapsing to just 11%. Ominously for Theresa May, support for the Tories at the European elections is now less than a third of that for Farage’s party, and below that for the Liberal Democrats, who are on 12%.’

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Make sure your pressure relief valve is properly calibrated before viewing !

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I think you all know my thoughts on Brexit but I still think the Tories will pull the proverbial rabbit out of the bag.
I don’t think the Tories would willingly commit political suicide but unless they do something soon they are dead.
The only upside to that is Labour are also on suicide watch LOL.

Typical remainers, arrogant and deluded, just like before the referendum.


Don’t know if you’ve seen these but worth watching

What if??? Just imagine Nigel Farage and JRM joint PM’s

No chance. They would never in a million years even spit on Nigel. Tories are finished. It’s too late to redeem anything. They had at least 2 chances to get rid of May and they blew it. All of them. They’re in it together.


They’re more likely to form a coalition with Labour. They’re halfway there already.


While we have exchanged friendly barbs and elbows, I wish my ancestral homeland the very best of freedom, autonomy, and capitalism.

If England (I am intentionally distinguishing from the rest of the squishy UK) can throw off the tyranny of the EU, and the soft tyranny of Socialism, and join a Free USA in mutually beneficial trade we might re-ignite the lights in the cities on the hills.