Brexit Betrayal

Corbyn, for now, is just an agitator. He will go the opposite way of whatever the Government wants to achieve. He knows May needs him. Therefore Brexit will not be delivered with either the Tories or Labour.

I think people may be a bit upset… :thinking:




Tories lose over 1000 seats. It will be a bigger drubbing in the EU elections, because turnout will be greater and there will be Brexit candidates, not just LibLabCon.

So to all the Yanks who gloated that we were a spineless bunch… :fu: You ain’t seen nothing yet.

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Yep this is unprecedented - the Tories are toast if they don’t do something dramatic.

Even if May resigns now (which she won’t do) I think it is too late for the Tories. They had plenty of opportunity to get rid of May and install a proper Brexiteer. If they do do something now, it only confirms their intention is not genuine and they are reacting to the direction of the wind. No matter what now, Nigel and the Brexit party have my vote.

Brexit delayed is Brexit denied. Such logic fueled local elections in Britain, as voters exacted retribution for politicians’ refusal to discharge the people’s desire to exit the European Union and redeem UK independence. Hundreds of ballot papers were spoiled as variations of one word, embodying Britons’ one true choice, were scrawled across them. “Brexit.”

After the worst showing for Tories since John Major’s premiership — 1,334 seats lost and control of 44 English councils — Breitbart London reports that senior Tories have told Prime Minister May “to set a departure date next week.”

If she refuses, Conservatives’ backbench organization, the 1922 Committee, “could decide to change party rules to allow another no-confidence vote this year.” (A similar vote in December failed and, according to current party rules, 12 months must pass before holding another leadership challenge.)

Last month the Committee decided to force Mrs. May’s hand, discussing new rules to cut the moratorium in half and holding a new vote on June 12 (six months after the last contest) but backed off, not wanting to “rock the boat” so close to local and European Parliament elections.

How did that brilliant foresight work for Tories? Further delays only exemplify their unfitness for political office and the people’s trust.

I’m shocked that voters punished Conservatives for their continuing Brexit fiasco. Council members are not offending parliamentarians. Yet they suffer (with apologies to Shakespeare) as Cinna the poet did when mistaken for Cinna the conspirator in “Julius Caesar” — “It is no matter. Their names are Conservative. Vote them out.”

Forgive your diarist for a touch of pique, but this is news to whom? Even as negotiations with the European Union progressed by fits and starts and down several erring byways, Mrs. May enjoyed the benefit of the doubt and was taken at her word. “Brexit means Brexit” and “no deal is better than a bad deal.”

The Chequers plan, an outline of the Withdrawal Agreement, was the final straw — proof positive that the Prime Minister did not believe her own words. She did not intend to honor her commitments to uphold the 2016 referendum result. Mrs. May was lukewarm in freeing Britain from Brussels’ grasp and ambivalent toward delivering British independence.

Instead, Mrs. May said that her deal was a good deal. No other deal would suffice. The EU became complicit in this nonsense when it replied that it was the only deal it would consider. Then it was “nonsense on stilts” when Labor’s Jeremy Corbyn was brought in to confer with the Prime Minister, ostensibly against malcontents within her own Tory party.

Any fool could see that voters, lied to by MPs and treated like erring children in need of correction, would exact revenge the way citizens do in a constitutional democracy — by the ballot box.

Any fool, that is, apart from those who wield political power and think they can hoodwink electors without end and without consequence.

Granted, not all Tory MPs are blind to the developing disaster. Appeals in the House of Commons, in the broadsheets, and on the air-waves for the Prime Minister and the government to come to their senses and simply deliver Brexit go unheeded. Again, who is surprised? After taking her colleagues for granted and treating them as the milquetoast MPs they are, Mrs. May has little to fear. That’s the rub.

Why haven’t Tory Brexiteers abandoned the whip and formed a Brexit ginger group? What do they fear? The only Members with any guts on that score have been those Remainers who turned coat because their party gave lip-service to securing Brexit while merely tinkering toward a Brexit backtrack on issues like the single market and customs union.

No wonder, then, that Britons are taking matters into their own hands. They want Brexit. They will not be so easily dissuaded from regaining national sovereignty.

“As a statesman I should say that it is impossible to refuse popular demands well matured and energetically supported,” Benjamin Disraeli pledged. “If so, let the people be fitted to discharge the functions reposed in them.”

Disraeli trusted the people. The Conservative party does not. So the people will find others to deliver them British independence.

The Brexit party seems prepared to meet this challenge and eager to mete out electoral justice. “It becomes more than a duty,” Brexiteers of all stripes echo Oscar Wilde; “it becomes a positive pleasure.”

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But why would I want to click on that ugly mug to enlarge? :rofl:

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My thought exactly! Where’s the “delete image” button?

Such a handsome devil isn’t he.

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A gift as it’s a holiday today.


Even though the Tories suffered a huge defeat in the local elections UKIP failed to make any gains and were effectively wiped out at the local level. It was rhe Lib Dems that were the biggest winners.

This confirms what i said previously that UKIP is finished as a potential third party.

The Lib Dems are now in the process of regaining their postion as an alternative to both labour and the conservatives.

Do you seriously believe that? The only reason they had the votes were because they were the only alternative on the ballot paper to Conservative and Labour! Many papers were simply spoilt. Come the European elections in a couple of weeks, where the Brexit party will be fielding candidates, and where there will be good turnout, do you really think people will vote LibDem?

If you truly believe UKIP will ever have any real influence in British politics you are deluding yourself.

They dont even have a presence in Parliament anymore and lost 80% of their council seats.

Since 2016 their leadership has changed 6 times so how can they hope to organize and be effective on a national level.

Not UKIP, I said Brexit party.

And whose current batch of reps all came from UKIP.

Your living in a fantasy world. I voted to leave Europe but even i can see that is never going to happen and if it does it will be so watered down that technically it will make no difference,

*you’re. You’re welcome.

Then the EU will implode with or without us. It’s only a matter of time. The EU parliament will be filled with anti EU MEPs, not only from the UK, but from France, Italy, Poland, Hungary… it will be fun watching the shit storm unfold.

But interesting that you throw in the towel so easily and now support the LibDems, the biggest of the Remainers.

Gerrard Batten hasn’t had an issue saying things exactly how they are. The problem are all all the docile plebs with boiling frog syndrome.

He makes UKIP credible but the “PC Brigade” are so brainwashed and led that they fall in with all the bullshit rhetoric of racism and far right allegations.
The middle classes will look to those they call far right when the shit hits the fan. I don’t see “Mr middle class suburbia” fighting back when the call comes to convert to islam.

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UK PM May looking at second Brexit vote options if talks fail: Telegraph

Surprise surprise :rofl:

A quote from the media story:
“The Telegraph reported that May had discussions with officials and ministers about holding a referendum that would give voters the choice between leaving the European Union with a deal, leaving without a deal, or not leaving at all”.

If this statement is true the 17.4 million original leave voters will be split by leave with and leave without a deal but still leave and the remainers will all vote remain again. The result could be perceived overwhelmingly as a remain win due to the majority vote…

I seem to recall from somewhere that this type of ballot is not legal in the U.K.
Oh let me guess another law change to allow the fiasco to unfold :rage: