Brexit Betrayal

Support from the Germans, who would have thought…


I thought for a long time that Germany would leave before we did with current events that is still possible

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

3rd Apr 2019, 8:59 pm

So we lurch towards a permanent customs union and British infeudation as a non-voting member of the EU legal and regulatory system. This can end only in acrimony and years of bitter conflict with Europe.

That may be understating things. It may end in another ‘British’ civil war.

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We may already have left as extending Article 50 is probably illegal, as the Government did not gain Royal assent.


I certainly hope so. I was tiring of all the on-again-off-again vacillation.


Here’s another story from April 3rd.

English Democrats launch legal battle to prove Brexit happened and UK ‘already left the EU’

The party submitted a legal challenge to the High Court arguing Theresa May did not have the power to delay Brexit

The nationalist English Democrat party has launched a legal bid to “prove” that the UK has already left the European Union.

The UK was due to leave the EU on 29 March but this was pushed back to 12 April, at the earliest, after the Prime Minister requested a delay from Brussels.

The leader of the English Democrats, Robin Tilbrook, has argued that that the UK exited the bloc on 29 March as the Prime Minister’s request for an extension was not legally valid.

He has submitted a legal challenge to the High Court, which argued that Theresa May did not have the power to extend the exit date.

This is despite the Commons, the Lords and the EU all agreeing a Brexit delay.

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It seems she just ignored letter from Bill Cash on the 26th warning of the legal implications.

Not sure of the accuracy of every point but would not be surprised if it’s all truth.


So extending delay til June 30th is also illegal?

You still think she is playing a blinder Mag ? The approval thing from the 27 nations hasn’t been an issue up to now.

I’m confused about the details. The big picture is pretty clear though. If it made any difference, I would wear a BREXIT hat here in upstate NY. But I think most people here would think it’s an ad for a new breakfast food.

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Yep - she was ordered to leave with no deal and she couldn’t have done a better job.
She has just asked for an extension to 30th June which has already been rejected once.
May is not stupid - she is trying hard to keep everyone onside(Tories) and at the same time look accomodative to EU and opposition parties. She wants the EU to ‘‘kick us out’’ and I think that might happen next week(hopefully) - Then we can blame the EU and won’t have to pay £39 bil

Obviously if that happens I’ll be one happy camper but I have my doubts. Certainly hope you are right anyway.

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Just caught a bit on Breakfast TV (others watch it …)
John Sargeant and some other Political Documentary Producer decrying the god-awful performance of the UK’s government machinery.

However, on the subject of the blame-game, the two interviewees were both of the opinion that avoiding blame is actually what is going on at the moment. None of the players want to be left holding the dirty nappy (diaper) and so the EU will not expel the UK, because then it becomes their fault, and similarly the UK government does not want any kind of agreed exit because then it becomes ‘their fault’.

On the subject of the Lisbon Treaty, and maybe this will encourage Sean out of the woodwork if he is lurking, I found this interesting explanation.

If you believe this is the wrong thread please let me know…

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It’s about 700+ pages to fact check :sleeping:

If the piece was wrong it does need pointing out of course but why James O’Brien, prize tool !

I found this article which is maybe where the Chinese whisper started…

looks like the type of guy that become sweaty in a playground

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There is a way we can leave with neither side getting the blame.
Atm in law we leave next Friday. If we don’t revoke article50 and EU ‘‘can’t’’ extend we will leave by ‘‘accident’’ and everyone can say not my fault guv.

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The most positive thing we need to hang on to is that the Tories absolutely cannot afford to stay in the EU - Just imagine the backlash at the next election if we haven’t left - the Tories would be eradicated. And the Tories know that and they will do everything and anything they can to stay in power.