Brexit Betrayal

Boris has had a haircut. I think he means business.

I read the article, the reasoning is on a par with Diane Abbott

…maybe it is an annual thing?
Interesting that he claims no clear structure to the EU machinery.

And the Hasbara criteria is?..
Anything you disagree with is a lie?

Your English comprehension skills have let you down again haven’t they. ‘‘wound up’’ describes your reaction only. And it is absolutely true that everything I post seems to ‘‘wind up’’ my Hasbara friends which normally indicates that you have something to hide.

Some good news I think

‘‘Brexit is at that stage of the chess game where the result is already a foregone conclusion. Brexit is going to happen.’’


He’s got his eye on No10 is all

Haha! That’s the ticket! I had mine cut last October! The next one will likely be by the end of June.

What’s absolutely true is that you flatter yourself in thinking you have the ability to wind anybody up.

By the way,dummy…without realizing your stupidity, you answered his question.

Ohhh I think I do - classic reaction to a wind up is anger and frustration

  1. Swearing Releases Anger and Frustration.
    And my Hasbara friends certainly swear a lot.

… this is EXCELLENT !! :+1:


Or maybe it’s because he is dating someone young enough to be his daughter. He’s lost weight as well. If we do manage to leave on March 29th, do you think the pressure would be on to get rid of Treason May? Despite the facts, I am still wary that the bastards will pull a fast one.

You still have hair? :open_mouth::grin::+1:

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Yep it made my day too.
The remoaners are boxed in and don’t have enough time to do anything.
I still think TPTB planned this all along.

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May is going and we leave on 29th.

Horseshit! many people cuss like a fuckin’ sailor just for the hell of it. I used to be that way. Then one day I said to myself, “Self, you gotta quit all this fuckin’ cussin’!” I’ve cut way down in the last twenty years, I but I still backslide noun then.

Many people use cuss words for emphasis…such as “You’re a fuckin’ idiot!” instead of “You’re and idiot.”…or “You’re a fucking joke!” instead of “You’re a joke.”

I think I’ve used all four of those examples in reference to you…and you have yet to drive me to anger. You just think you do that.

That fact, along with the unmitigated bullshit you post makes you a fuckin’ idiot.


BTW, your logic is flawed.

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Exactly so - especially when triggered or wound up.

I’m hiding under your bed…RIGHT NOW! :rofl:

(You should dust more often)

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Best way to deal with this type of hater is to ignore them.

It’s more of a frustration when a person cannot seem to get beyond their mantra of hate regardless of your effort.

I am not so much frustrated by expressions of hatred as I am amused by them.

Hate destroys the hater. Most times, the one being hated is not aware of the existence of the hate.

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As I said before I hate lots of ppl and none of them are aware either. And if I recall this conv started when I made a comparison between the ‘‘open borders Brexit’’ agenda and Israels lack of defined borders. Nothing controversial there, I thought, just a statement of facts but you Hasbara guys managed to link it to anti-semitism AGAIN.
Its almost like you get paid in direct proportion to the number of times you can accuse someone of being anti-semitic.