Brexit Betrayal

The Twittersphere is chock-a-block with sneers about Johnson’s ‘retreat’ from the lectern in Luxembourg: they can’t seem to grasp that it was a set-up, proved by Bettel’s smart-arse well-rehearsed speech from his lectern What these simple-minded souls should really be asking, and it’s something I’ve been asking for weeks but to no avail, is a) Who the fuck IS this Miller woman and who does she think she is? b) What’s in it for her (apart from 15 minutes of fame) and c) who’s paying her legal costs? Oh no, don’t tell me - I’ll bet it’s the poor bloody taxpayers. In all the maniacal and surreal stuff going on these days - especially concerning Brexit - this is what I’d really would like to find out.

Soros I believe.

Luxembourg’s GDP is about a third of our NHS budget. One third of the NHS budget is spent on obesity and obesity related diseases. That means they are about as significant as the fat lard arses we have.

From the Lib Dems conference: they will give free smart phones to everyone on benefits, along with revoking Article 50. I guess the scroungers need a brand new iPhone 11 to go with their brand new BMWs, just to make it a fairer society, you know.

I posted on Twitter this morning that Swinson’s speech is ‘the longest conference leader’s suicide speech in history’. lol

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Watching the live supreme court proceedings yesterday and this morning makes me realise the superior level our law courts are at.

The level of legal knowledge of this gathering is quite incredible and makes you realise how impossible it is for a simpleton on the streets to get involved in matters of political law at the level these individuals are discussing.

When I was growing up I never saw anything from the inside of parliament, the house of lords or courts at the highest level of the land.
This was an intentional move by the elite to ensure us relative retards at the lowest level didn’t interfere with the proceedings at these supreme level’s that we couldn’t possibly understand.

I was always happy with my ignorance of these proceedings and knew the courts and parliament did the right things for the country.
I knew the real decisions of the country were being driven by the highly educated civil servants in the background not some puppet on the TV screen with a couple of sound bites.

Since the inclusion of “limited intelligence” politicians in modern times (I suspect from 1980 onwards) we now have the mess of Brexit and other poor acts that are passed through parliament that drive the U.K.

It does appear the fabric of the country is being eroded and probably will continue unless the power is taken away from the limited intelligence Parliamentary politicians and given back to the likes of the Lords and civil servants who have become so by their progress through either the Law courts or the distinguished schools and universities that turn out the intellects of the land.

Failing that, certain credentials / levels of education should be applied to becoming an MP without which you cannot stand, just as is applied to becoming a Doctor or similar profession. This disgraceful puppet show that has been allowed by Parliament since 2016 should have the U.K. electorate very worried.

Boris has an alternative proposal to the Irish backstop.

  1. A single unified market for food (and livestock) between the Republic and NI.
  2. Border checks take place in the Republic, away from the border, honouring the GF agreement.
  3. No customs union for the entire UK, including NI.
  4. A Stormont lock, allowing the people of NI the final say. They can cancel the whole lot if they want to.

I don’t think it will pass with either Varadkar or the EU. The fourth point is a must, and clearly, people cannot be trusted to make the “right” decision!

As for the trade part of the deal, it is probably irrelevant. We won’t get that far. My belief is we will leave with no deal on the 31st Oct. Boris has to be seen to be trying his hardest, but behind the scenes, 90% of the planning is for no deal, according to Amber Rudd.

This is why I support Boris and the Conservatives. What policies do The Brexit Party have apart from Brexit? They are too diverse to be proper political party, able to form a government. There is a communist on board and also this idiot, who is an MEP too.



This is his friend Magid Majid. See the T shirt?

Not sure whos paying(and it could be Soros, as Jen mentioned) But the usual suspects are in there up to their armpits.

Sir Terence Etherton is a left-wing ■■■; who married his ‘husband’ Andrew Stone at the West London Synagogue in 2014. (13) Etherton has previously made it clear in his speeches and published work that he views his homosexuality as a function of his ■■■■■■■■■■,■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

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Why does Nigel refuse to address the Muslim problem? Ok, say we get Nigel as PM, get Brexit, then what? Most, if not all those who enter here illegally are Muslim.

I was with you until that sentence - the Lords and civil servants are part of the problem.
What we really need is direct democracy.

Haha yes it is hard to swallow until you realise that the last few hundred years while this tiny island was busy “ruling the world” and running a great empire, it was all done with the infrastructure of parliament and the judiciary along with the ruling king / queen of the time.
Something was working well to achieve such prestige.
I know the countries peasants were treated as such, just peasants but the empire was strong.
Today it is a laughing stock and it could be only a matter of time before the peasants are reduced to living as such again.

Mob rule…nothing less.

Thankfully, we live in a democratic republic. Our Senate is designed around 2 votes per state…regardless of population. Our House of Representatives is designed around 435 total votes, apportioned to the states based upon their populations.

Our Electoral College is designed to prevent the large metropolitan areas from running roughshod over the sparsely populated urban areas. Look at a county by county map of the 2016 election results and you will see why this works well.

And all but a handful are pusillanimous, corrupt weasels. I used to think that there was enough inertia designed into the system to keep them from doing too much harm, but I don’t think that any more.

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…likely because their party leaders have the power to punish them politically. It is ludicrous that the Representatives vote on party lines rather than what their constituents want.

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You should talk to Guy Verhoffstadt, he thinks the EU is the next Empire - and that is why the Brits want out.
And it is only our politicos who are a laughing stock - the Brits got the respect of the world when we voted leave
The Brexit vote was one of the few examples of true(direct) democracy - what we have atm is a bunch of self interested twats selling their principles to the highest bidder.

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Brexit wasn’t mob rule it was one of the few examples of true democracy

No it wasn’t. Most all state and local elections and referendums in the USA are determined by popular vote. The only exception I’m aware of is the Presidential election…determined by the Electoral College as provided in the Constitution.

Maybe my perspective is kind of skewed because I’m in California, but I think that a big problem is the voters. People are complacent and indifferent to their choices. There’s no other way I can explain a contemptible phony like Mitt Romney having the success that he continues to have.

Also, the professionals have made running for office pure torture for a normal person. Only the corrupt egomaniacs with contempt for the voters would want to do it.

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True it is that the voters often know little about the candidates, but this is likely not what makes our elected politicians pusillanimous, corrupt weasels.

Their timidity and lack of courage I think relates to their fear of the party leaders.

Their corruptness results from the opportunities to be so.

That they are weasels I think is a result of their continual dishonesty.

You have succinctly described the average American professional politician…in three words.


The Brexit referendum was direct democracy. The numbers were as follows:
Leave: 17,410,742
Remain: 16,141,241

Invalid or blank votes: 25,359
Total votes: 33,577,342

Registered voters/turnout: 46,500,001 / 72.21%

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The judiciary is only one of the institutions of this poor country of mine (ours?) which has become dumb. Yes, even the High Court!! As to your last para - the rot started in the social services and police - and in the NHS I’m afraid, which has also become dysfunctional.The whole country has become bureaucratized, where flaunting ID lanyards on chests is given more importance than doing the fucking job they’re paid for.