I just think its funny that some people actually believe this shit and wanted to check out where he is getting this stuff from. Clearly he doesn’t have much of a life where spending too much time on the internet has seriously impaired rational thinking and can’t define fact from fiction! It only proves that there a lot nutty Digipoos out there in the world!
What’s sad is that he’s too dumb to even question any of the conspiracy nut bullshit he finds online before running over here to post it.
It’s not like he doesn’t know he’ll be fact checked and challenged.
He just proved my point that is all he knows how to do is post conspiracy theories and derail threads!
So what’s the point?
Nothing changes the fact that Bin Laden was a CIA agent and was never killed in Pakistan as we were told by Obama.
More On The Taliban And Other “Monsters” Of The CIA:
"For more details on the CIA’s role in creating the Taliban, and dozens of other terrorist organizations around the world, refer to the latest issue of COAT’s magazine, Press for Conversion! .
This issue (#43) is on the theme: “A People’s History of the CIA: The Subversion of Democracy from Australia to Zaire.” It is available (full-text) at our web site "http://www.ncf.ca/coat/
(I haven’t checked the articles but you two can, because you seem to have nothing better to do.)
Have nothing better to do? Yet you just went into another one of your consprirital diatribes by posting such drivel! Can’t make this up, as you obviously lack any semblance of self awareness to see the irony of your own statements! Hilarious!
If you don’t read your own articles then why are you prosthelytizing that others should? This is the reason why you never have an original thought of your own and your OP threads suck! You don’t even read your own crap that you post! Go figure!
It proves your entire claim was bullshit just like the claim he was a CIA agent and was Never Killed.
You are insane.
Bin Laden died in December 2001
Trump is giving the Taliban, an organization designated a terrorist group by some, legitimacy and a seat at the table of government…
NO American objectives have been met in A-Stan.
"Trump administration officials said they had expected obstacles but vowed to press ahead with the deal, which calls on the U.S. to pull all 13,000 troops out of Afghanistan by July of next year.
U.S. military officials said the troop withdrawal was likely to start at the end of this week and that the Pentagon would work to reduce the U.S. force level to 8,600 by July, as called for by the deal.
In exchange, the Taliban agreed to do what they could to prevent the country from being used at a sanctuary by terrorist groups planning attacks on the U.S. and its allies."
More of the same BS from the same BS conspiracy nuts.
There’s no evidence anywhere to support the claim.
I hate saying this but it will definitely come back and bite us in the ass.
Next time, turn it to dust.
No messages or transmission came from Bin Laden after December 2001. He died in the American Hospital in Beirut from kidney failure.
The videos of Bin Laden shown on American TV were old recycled ones, and every time, he appeared younger and younger.
Dead men tell no tales. (Oh, sorry about the Navy Seal Team who also became the victims of the Bin Laden hoax).
I sure wish you’d use your head once in a while.
All done with a Taliban stronger than when we went in and now with a legitimate seat at the table of government. Way to go Trump, you fucking foreign policy amateur and moron.
Stop interfering with these guys giving praise to Obama, it’s rare…
And your solution is Monte? Or are you still railing about what a moron Trump is for ending the Caliphate and pulling out of Syria.
In your own way you’re part of the military industrial complex.
Completely fabricated BS.
They Knew it was Bin Laden they were going after because at great personal risk and risk to his family a Pakistani Doctor pulled DNA and it was matched before the mission was even out of the planning stage.
For a dead guy he was awfully busy.
I thought we were talking about Afghanistan, or so the thread seemed to be.
Are you happy with Trump legitimizing the Taliban, and giving them a seat in government?
Has always been to stay the hell out of the ME. Btw, I’m a huge critic of Obama’s ME policies.
The US has FUCKED UP the ME for four decades. It’s fucking sick.
Why does it matter what we think about the Taliban, if US troops along with our interests are vacating the country? Let the Afghan government sort out their own problems and decide who is legit and who is not. Seems to me you want to have it both ways. You bitch about US troops being in a foreign war, yet you want to have a say about legitimizing that countries warlords and then turn around and blame everything on Trump because he wants to get our troops back home. Clue to you Monte, Trump didn’t start this war, he is only trying to end it and for that you should be happy about instead coming here whining like a little bitch all the time!