It can only come from someone who does it himself.
That’s the worst deflection you’ve come up with yet.
Why do you keep repeating the same lies over and over when they have been repeatedly shown to be lies?
The source and origin of that photo has been documented. It’s not bin laden it can’t be.
The two men are not close in height or appearance you idiot.
You are just part of the internet diarrhea that spews out of your mouth here on a daily basis. You offer nothing of tangible value with the stupid comments based on shear ignorance that you post here, that is also devoid of any semblance to have a rational conversation based on facts. The same is true for your counterpart Digipoopoo! For crying out loud you come from a English speaking country and you can’t even string together a cogent argument to save your life, let alone know how to read with proper comprehensive abilities. If I were you I’d ask for my money back for the waste of space you took up in school because its failed you; and slap your parents in the face while your at it because you are pathetic!
That preposterously childish diatribe says more about you than it does about me. I mean ‘Digipoopoo’ Just ignore my posts from now on, like I’m going to ignore yours.
Why don’t you do us all a favor and just fk off! No one here gives shit about your stupid comments! Again, thanks for derailing another perfectly good thread as you always do!
Or you could grow up and try to actually engage in an adult discussion without all of the childish BS and lies.
That might take too much effort though.
Height? The camera is at their knee level.
You never say anything with substance.
I thought you came from an English speaking country. LOL
Clearly you suffer from an acute symptom of brain fungus that contributes to you disillusional mental illness.
Here are your stats which confirms not only what many here think of you but that your posts that no one cares about is mostly fictional bullshit that you so regularly love to peddle here because you don’t offer or have anything of substance that is of your original thought.
Since you joined in May of 2019 all you managed to accomplish is just 600 likes! Sounds like you are a real winner here. LMAO!
No wonder your top category is Conspiracy, which confirms that I am right about you being a obsessive compulsive and pathological liar who can’t live in reality! You know what they say about projection right? Its sometimes makes the ones making the false accusations look like the village idiot which means I live inside your head rent free because you are filled with envy!
Great job Digipoo you win the Darwin award today, tomorrow and forever!
Again, I was right about you.
If we take away bad-mouthing from you, nothing is left of you.
Post something meaningful for a change.
You are never right about anything here or about me.
If I don’t post anything meaningful then why am on your most responded list? Clearly you are always triggered! Or why do you like to post comments in the threads I create? Funny its you that has left their brain on burn!
How about you practice what you preach? You certainly are not short of being a hypocrite either.
I could do, but you seem to be doing quite well without me!
Bin Laden was 6’5, Brezenski 6’0 or 6’1. Standing together Bin Laden would tower over Brezenski by half a head.
Appearance? They don’t resemble each other at all in their facial features.
Take a photo with someone taller or shorter with a camera at the knee height.
Thank you. You proved my point.
No he didn’t stop lying to yourself and feeding your confirmation bias!
This is the same guy! Clearly Digipoo loves to buy into the hoax because it has already been debunked as another internet conspiracy! He then wonders why everyone here thinks he is an escapee from the mental ward!
Exactly and he’s in fact Shorter than Brezenski.
If that’s Bin Laden, someone phtoshopped 7" of his height out of the picture and put somebody eles’s head on the body.
Hey dumbass, even at knee level the relative height of the two individuals remains constant.
Take fucking HS geometry sometime.
I salute your mad google skills!