It’s fabricaed bullshit.
The CIA didn’t hand out British Uniforms.
It’s fabricaed bullshit.
The CIA didn’t hand out British Uniforms.
Nobody needed to have been there with all the wall-to-wall news reportage in order to see what was going on. Saddam had to be stopped in his tracks, but our mistake was not getting out having stopped him. The time to go was after the symbolic act of toppling that giant statue; then after putting him on notice that he’ll being monitored around the clock, reinstate him to do what needs to be done in these ME countries, viz. to resume ruling by fear! It works?
Arab legionnaires, silly
No you ignorant jackass, the Photo was taken in Pakistan at the Kyber pass and that’s not Bin Laden.
Jesus wept . . . BUT LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENED SINCE? ffs!
Absolutely irrelevant. By any measure of victory Saddam’s Regime was completely destroyed and the country conquered in a month in the most stunning defeat in history.
As usual you have no clue what you are talking about! You should stop, you are embarrassing yourself!
It really is weird that you confident enough to call everybody morons, boobies, bullshit posters, but can grasp that it’s yourself who’s got it wrong. Same with @Dr_Manhattan.
No you prove day in day out what an idiot you are with the comments you make! Were you dropped on your head when you were an infant? Seriously I have to ask, because some of the things you say is only things that crazy people say!
I’ve gotten absolutely nothing wrong here.
By every measure it was a complete victory over Saddam’s forces and his regime was utterly destroyed.
Zbigniew Brzezinski visiting ‘his boy’, Osama Bin Laden, in training with the Pakistan Army, 1981.
Enough said.
You know what the definition of ‘insane’ is don’t you? The loony believes he’s the intelligent one and it’s everybod else* who’s mad. See the correlation here?
You’re lying. He wasn’t even in Afghanistan and that’s a Pakistani soldier as the uniform shows.
Not only are you a chronic liar and idiot you are a fool that will swallow any baseless conspiracy theory blindly without question which is why you constantly embarrass yourself.
Yeah, you certainly fit that description with your obvious projection!
Of course we can which is why we have repeatedly urged you to seek treatment.
Chronic liar? More like a pathological liar who suffers from Obsessive compulsive disorder!
“This is my message to the American people. I urge them to find a serious administration that acts in their interest and does not attack people and violate their honor and pilfer their wealth.” Osama bin Laden, May 1998
Once again you post lies knowing they are lies.
The source and origin of that photo has been documented. It’s not bin laden it can’t be.
The two men are not close in height or appearance you idiot.
Exactly Didge - it’s called neuro-linguistic conditioning. Goebbels said ‘A lie told once is a lie, but a lie told a hundred times becomes the truth.’ Think Salisbury/Novichok. I saw a report this morning by a respected BBC correspondent (that the Skripals want to go and live in Australia) which proves that even he believes it.
I never lie matey; you might rather I kept quiet so you can continue to believe your own erroneous narrative but do not accuse me of being a liar or there’ll be an official complaint against you.