BREAKING NEWS! Jeffrey Epstein dead by suicide, found in Manhattan jail cell

No they aren’t, the prosecutions of those named so far is going to go forward and that includes deals being made to out as many others as possible for even more prosecutions.

This is far, far from over.

Epstein was never going to talk because he was never going to see daylight again no matter what deals he could make so his death is really irrelevant.

I disagree; Epstein would have sung all day long if they offered the carrot of getting out of prison even a couple years before death. If the prosecutors were foolish enough to tell him ‘cooperate or not you’ll never see the light of day, and probably die being sodomized and strangled’ -then that prosecutor should be charged with obstruction. A good prosecutor always wants to give a defendant a sense of hope that can be turned into information on others.

There was no chance he would ever be offered such a deal, the had him by the gonads, literally.

In the current political climate the public would have revolted over such a decision.

They literally have mountains of evidence against him much of which has already been released and the rest will be when they are done with the co conspirators and actors.

Like I said, fodder for the conspiracy nuts for decades to come.

One fact we can’t get around is that anything mechanical, electrical, or electronic is going to fail at some point and this guy had every reason in the world to kill himself.

Call me crazy but I’m going to wait until the investigation is complete and made public before jumping off the conspiracy bridge.

Next up we’ll have years of future “Epstein Sightings” just like “Elvis Sightings” and probably just as many conspiracy theories surrounding his death if not more.

So, who killed JFK?
It was 1963.

Yes, I know it was 63 since I was around then and all through much of my early years it was a rather hot topic.

We know who killed him, Lee Harvey Oswald.

Why are you derailing yet another thread to offer up yet another conspiracy theory?

Epstein was suicided (A new term that entered English, fascinating for us non-natives), if he was really dead, which I doubt.

Oswald was killed by a ■■■ (Jack Rubinstein).

Both were killed before they spoke. See the connection?

Yet there’s no evidence to support your claims but then that is the norm.

People disappeared when they stumbled upon Bill and Hilary’s cocaine operations in Arkansas. They died in freak accidents and odd suicides if they ever worked in office for them. And now with the latest death, the Clintons can no longer cover up what they have wrought. The public has grown wise to the trend and like everything else related to the democrat party lately, they too will answer for what they’ve done.

The news just reported that Epstein was in good spirits but also claimed someone tried to kill him last week. Wtf

The reason he was on suicide watch was the fact he’d tried to kill himself a week or so back.

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A lot of very powerful, wealthy peeps sleeping better this weekend…sad for the victims and the general public. His past fiancee/procurer must be doing some serious “contemplation”.


The Clintons through a third party will find a scapegoat to take the fall and will be paid through secret offshore accounts to keep the mouth shut.

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He was not on suicide watch this past week. He had been removed from it. He was supposed to have been visually checked on every 30 minutes by two guards through the night, but they somehow did not follow that protocol the night he died.

Epstein said someone tried to kill him
Last week… who was it?

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I’m catching that now. He was on suicide watch after the prior attempt but inexplicably taken off.

Cameras were not properly aimed accoring to SOP to allow “privacy” going to the BR and for dressing.

30 minute check did not happen.

90 seconds of cameras failing.

Careers are likely to end and the family is probably looking at six or seven zeroes settling the lawsuit.

Extreme levels of incompetence and negligence on display in the whole unit apparently.

DOJ IG, FBI, and BOP already launching investigations. This is going to get very ugly.