That number is thought to be much, much higher, if considering the aggregate of political prisoners and the famine that took place it’s more closer to 300 million.
Not exactly.
What if the police are the bad guys, hypothetically.
That seems to be exactly what this guy wants.
So true. They torched those people.
Exactly. Guns are used most often where available but when they are not blunt and bladed weapons do the job and if they are hell bent on mass casualties then vehicles, explosive, incendiaries or some combination of same are used and most often with much more devastating effect.
For a long time it was a crime to carry in churches at all.
We then went to churches having the option to allow or disallow carry.
Under the new law they can train their own voluntary security teams for armed response without having to put them through a state recognized Security Guard program.
I actually counted at least 8 plus the security team.
I hope this was shown on all of your news channels in every home in America because it should have been and perhaps more murdering scum bags would realise it’s not only the police they have to look out for. The old boy who killed the gunmen is a f*cking hero.
What an incredible thing to be able to do, first to shoot that acccurately from that range with a hand gun but more incredibly to then go through with the shot when most needed. He certainly saved a lot of innocenct lives that day
Here in the U.K. guns are banned and it mostly works for this country but in the U.S. you have a completely different culture and being allowed to have them over there seems to be the right thing. It is still a shock when this kind of shit happens.
Except people can’t defend themselves against roving gangs wielding knives and machetes or hurling acid at passerby.
This isn’t North Korea and the government doesn’t force news or propaganda into every household.
Agreed that’s why I said mostly works.
Yes it would be nice to be able to shoot an acid attacker as they run away, assuming you can still see
Oh sorry “monte” I was assuming this was a real event , has it been declared propaganda since the news release ??
I said, the government doesn’t force news OR propaganda into every American house. This isn’t North Korea.
Here in the U.K. this would be seen as a serious event and the national and probably the local news channels would certainly inform the nation.
This used to be the only purpose of the news to broadcast real events to the public.
And it was broadcast here as well. But if you’ve looked at the ratings for news viewership, it’s hardly in every house.
That’s a fair comment that people don’t watch the news just as long as they are given the opportunity to see the events if they switch the news on.
I just meant, I hope the news channels are brave enough / allowed to show the reality of what has taken place here, that a gunman opening fire was stopped by a member of the public. This might prevent just one gunman from opening fire in public knowing he might not get away with it just because there are no police around
Absolutely the opportunity exists.
He was a member of the church’s security team. The owner of a shooting range, and a firearms instructor. That whole scene was anti typical.
That puts a slightly diffferent angle on the story.
It’s enlightening to other gunmen who might think of shooting a group of innocent victims, that this gunman was stopped by let’s say, a plain “clothed individual” who wasn’t showing himself as an armed police person nor an official in a uniform.
It still looks an impressive shot to me from the security guy.
whoops just got a message about the 3 replies rule