Yes it certainly does. I wouldn’t look for the next mass shooting to turn out that well for the innocent.
https:// /gun-laws/ armed - citizen .aspx
NRA Armed Citizen® stories highlight accounts of law-abiding gun owners in America using their Second Amendment rights to defend self, home and family. Do you know of a story that the NRA …
And when you take all the guns away then no one has them…
That’s not America…
It will be if you have you way.
Of course it’s not America; Americans won’t turn over their guns. It would lead to all out civil war, to deny law abiding citizens their right to defend themselves. I suggest politicians focus on disarming criminals. Although it’s probably easier to disarm those who are least likely to use a gun for criminal activity.
Never a missed opportunity to invoke civil war…
While your making suggestions perhaps you have one for doing so.
So monte, You’re defending the Mao / Stalin gun confiscation approach. Are you or have you ever been a member of the communist party?
As a matter of fact Hitler did that too in Germany so are you a Nazi too?
No, I pointed out that this is America, NOT Mao’s China.
You all can continue to complain and assign false motives to politicians in the US, but there’s a growing number of Americans who favor increasing firearms restrictions and its mass shootings in the most innocuous public places that is driving this. I’ll ask you, do you have a working plan to end that???
You obviously have never been threatened by a criminal with a gun. I have and I was at a disadvantage. Now you are defending gun grabbing politicians. Are you or have you ever been a member of a lobbyist group?
Or are you just a contrairian?
I’m defending stricter firearms regulations just like a growing number of Americans. Sorry if that’s contrarian to you.
Which precipitated another 160+ deaths in Oklahoma.
So if a growing number of people are going MK Ultra insane you want to be in the majority.
Good luck with that.
It’s not MKU, it’s common sense.
Never missed an opportunity to put your tail between you legs and beg for your master to provide you with a directive that you will march in step to without question.
Yes. It is.
You don’t like it. That much is clear.